Part of Starbase Bravo: Bravo Without Borders

A in-depth session

Department of Counseling
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The department was busy, be it their daily planning, helping out medical with Romulan resources, or being sent into the field for their expertise in being a mediator. Life was never the same on Starbase Bravo, that was something Arwa already concluded. She was sitting in one of the flex office, waiting for Ginsh to arrive, she already met him with one of the cargobay tasks, but a counsel session was set in motion before that. 

Reaching the specified office, at the specified time, Ensign Ginsh still clad in duty uniform, stepped into the doorway and, greeted the councilor with a mix of formality and familiarity. “Lieutenant el-Imam, it is agreeable to meet you again, especially as this is likely to be a less sleeves up affair. May I come in?”

Looking up from her PADD and giving a welcoming smile toward Ginsh, “Please Ensign, come in, take a seat.” Arwa gestures in the direction of the chair. “We did have the pleasure of spending some time together for the right reasons. But now we are here for the job-specific reasons, your medical evaluation reason.” 

Pacing straight over and easing himself into the offered chair, he shifted in it slightly, well padded, very comfy. “Of course new posting, new enviroment, a check up makes sense.” Ginsh leaned back a little more into the chair, might as well settle down for now.

“So tell me about yourself, why did you join Starfleet and how are you experiencing it so far?” Arwa sat back in her chair. 

“Straight in with a big one.” Ginsh responded with a grin, considering how to answer, and elected to go a more direct route. “A field trip for the degree I was studding for, crossed paths with a field trip of science cadets on Betazoid, I was impressed with the prospects they were entertaining to want to take a closer look, five years on and here I am.” Ginsh spread his arms wide at this point adding a bit of flurrish to his brief story.

Arwa took some notes and nodded slowly. “How is your life so far within Starfleet? How would you describe it?” It were basic questions, but even the very simplistic questions could be filled with long stories, not required for any session, but it gave any counselor an in-depth feel for the state of mind of a person. 

Pausing to think, running the past few weeks since arriving on the station, and going from what he thought was a fairly large campus, to the immense size and scope of the Starbase. “I would describe it as fullfilling. The opportunities for research projects are numerous. The equipment and facilities are cutting edge, an absolute dream for someone who wants to pursue research.”  He was enthused, genuinely happy with his choice at this point, even when outside influences demanded attention, as he went on to tackle. “Sure there are times when I end up in a supporting role, assisting another department, particularly when there’s potential crisis brewing, but it’s a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things i supoose.”

“Well, those situations are given, and we all have to do our part, Ensign,” Arwa winks at him. But where do you see yourself in the future? Do you desire to research unknown worlds? Are you interested in the command chair, or what is Ensign Ginsh’s dream?”

“I prefer to have goals rather than dreams, goals sound a little more purposeful.” He responded at first, being deliberatly pedantic on that point. “Long term research missions, particularly planetside would be a goal. The chance to be hands on for an extended period, would be superb. A ship posting would be agreeable, for the experience, and the oppotunity to be first to find something.”

Tapping on her PADD, “Opportunity is always out there, Ensign. You are at the starting point of it all, and throughout your journey, you will see wonderful things that I am sure of.” Arwa smiled and looked up at him. “My initial conclusion is that you are clear for duty, and I don’t have any objection to it either. Do you have anything to ask or something troubling your mind?”

Smiling at the fact the formality and needed section was done without too much fuss. Where do you see yourself was always an odd one for Ginsh, to be truth he had yet to see the use for it, but it was done now. The final question caused him to pause. There was something. Something that had been niggling at him ever since the event. “There is something, I am not sure if this is the right environment but here it is. A recent conversation with a former classmate who is also assigned here, has bothered me. We got on to the current political and sociological state of the quadrant, and he made some honest and altogether troubling remarks. He suggested that we, as in starfleet, should be actively but subtly provoving the two against each other, rather than wasting effort and resources providing aid and mediation.”

Giving a slight nod to Ginsh and listening to the trouble that bothers him. Arwa took a second to think. “I can see where this might trouble you. The fundamentals of Starfleet come from the perspective of peace. Putting two forces against each other would defeat our purpose as Starfleet. If we wanted to put wars out, we would be scheming and plotting to place ourselves in a favorable position for dominance.” Arwa crossed her arms. “Self-centric mindset simple is a short-lived path within Starfleet, and I hope your friend will change this thinking. Because it will in the end harm not only himself but also those around him.” 

“I wholeheartedly agree.” The Tellarite afirmed, honestly, paused as he phrased the next part in his head before making a request. “My follow up would be if the person in question was talkking about doing something foolish and untoward, and I wanted both to help him see his error and stop whatever he might do, what would be the best way to go about that?”

“That really depends on the context of what he is doing wrong” Arwa bluntly pointed out. 

Sitting forward for the first time this session, he considered what he was about to tell; right here, right now, he felt a conflict of loyalties for the first time. But he had to say something, if it was nothing it would come to nothing, but if there was some substance maybe this was for the best, maybe. “He’s working with the astrometrics division, tracking warp trails, and he stated an intention to broadcast the selected results into the sector and I quote ‘to see what bites’, i don’t know if this it targeted or a general transmision. Would speaking to his shift or division leader  be appropriate?”

An eyebrow rose on her face in surprise. “That is quite the offensive act. It could result in injured people if not worse.” Arwa spoke pretty directly now. “I will report this to the shift leader. If that has no sound, please do report it to the division leader as soon as possible.” 

He slumped back now, it was out now, at least one other person knew and, to their credit had given him usable advice. “It’s for the greater good. Never though i’d have to use that phrase but still. I will locate and make an appointment with the appropriate person, Thank you Lieutenant.”

Giving a brief nod “It is out of my field of expertise and this session, but that situation clearly violates safety regulations. You had better get going before people get injured. If you want an additional session, feel free to plan something.” Arwa gave him a friendly smile.