Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium

Are You Crazy?

SSB Shuttlebay
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The tension was palpable as the group of newly minted Ensigns sat in the craft, their faces pressed against the glass windows. Excitement had filled their conversations for days leading up to this moment. Still, as the massive space station came into view, their behavior shifted from that of confident officers to wide-eyed children. The shuttle halted in the bay, and the pilot briskly ushered them onto the deck below.

“Whether you’re ready or not, it’s time to disembark, kids,” the pilot announced with a laugh.

Preston rose to his feet, straightening his uniform as he faced the shuttle, “Well, I suppose it’s time to report aboard, explore the promenade, and begin our careers.” He failed to notice the fear etched on their faces.

Turning around, Preston found himself face-to-face with a Commander, her uniform impeccable and her conduct that of the ideal officer. She stood with her hands clasped behind her back, observing silently. Preston couldn’t help but sigh, “What in the hell are you doing here?”

Gasps escaped the Ensigns as they shuffled to explain their friend’s behavior. In their collective opinion, Preston had just torpedoed his career in a matter of seconds.

Kay had been asked to meet the new Ensigns on the station. She had looked at the list and seen someone she hadn’t expected. She made her way to the shuttlebay and as the shuttle landed she stepped aboard to hear the rousing encouragement of one of the Ensigns. 

The next moment was one that would have most ensigns demoted immediately. “Dear brother I’m here because this is where I have been stationed. Did mom not tell you that I was here?” She shook her head as it had been years since she saw her brother last. He looked good but he still wasn’t going to get away with that comment. “Regardless, I expect better decorum from an officer. Your language and tone is not acceptable. Your commanding officer will be getting a report from me.” 

Preston’s heart sank as he sighed, his mind racing with unspoken thoughts. “Yes, Commander,” he replied, joining the line of fellow Ensigns. The last genuine moment he and Kay had shared was when she had announced she needed a break. It was the last time he had truly connected with his sister. There were obligatory family gatherings, of course, but Kay’s focus was always on her career. She was entirely job-oriented, using Starfleet as her escape from the past and the city of Pittsburgh, which she hated. 

Now, standing in line, Preston couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He had hoped that Kaylynn’s unexpected visit might have been for personal reasons, but she clearly had something else in mind for them.

Kay could see the disappointment in Preston’s eyes. “Everyone is dismissed except you Ensign Roberts. You can follow me.” She said and motioned for him to follow her. She knew what she was doing, but he had no idea. She let him get in his head as they walked saying nothing to him. She led him to her office and shut the door behind them. Once she knew it was just them she turned and smiled. “Sorry about that Pretzel.” She laughed “It’s good to see you little brother, but I can’t show favoritism even in the case of my brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t at your graduation. I was transferred here and it’s been a busy transition. I am glad to see you though.” She said as she gave him a big hug. It had been years since she had a connection with him. Hopefully, she could rekindle that. 

Preston cringed at the nickname, a small part of him had hoped that god awful trend didn’t follow him here; but alass it had. He embraced his sister, with a wicked smiled. He finally admitted, “Mom says hi,” he laughed. “I must admit I was shocked you met me at the terminal, but it was a nice surprise. Ensign Miller was nervous. I’ll bet he’s finding a clean uniform now.”

Kay laughed. “Well, hopefully, he realizes he will see lots of higher-ranking officers on this station. I had to come see you it’s been too long and I have missed you little brother. I hope Mom is well I admit I haven’t kept in touch like I should.” 

“That was something Professional McCandless actually drilled into us over the last few months,” Preston replied, “keeping in touch and maintaining those bonds after we graduate. Something about a support system, blah blah blah..” he added.

She smirked “Well now you have a constant support system on the same station…Pretzel.”

“We’re going to find a new nickname,” Preston almost demanded, “that one needs to die.”

Kay shook her head, “That nickname will stay between us. I will never say it with others around.”

“I will hold you to that,” he stated, as the comm badge on his chest sounded, “Ensign Roberts, please report to sickbay.”  He sighed, “I guess that means I’m late.”

Kay looked at him “We can talk more later Preston. Go report in and welcome to Starbase Bravo.” she said smiling and giving him one last hug.