Part of USS Pioneer: Monkeys, Fungus and Neanderthals Oh My!

Naturally the console is damaged (pt. 2)

The damaged research base, Zercan 2
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Previously on USS Pioneer

Our adventurers crash-landed on Zercan 2 whilst heading out on a simple mission to repair a faulty comms relay, quick work from both Charlie and Katsu managed to limit injuries though the runabout is lost. 

After being attacked by primitive beings wearing scraps of Starfleet uniforms, Katsu identifies a fungal spore in the air that causes devolution; unfortunately they are already infected and have only basic medical supplies. 

Following a gruelling journey through the jungle, including an extremely close call for Charlie as they cross a ravine & a failed attempt to protect themselves from a germinating fungus, they arrive at a severely damaged research lab and desperate cries for help.

Scene 1 – The Lab

As the team enter the, Katsu leading the way as she is drawn to the cries of help, they discover large potions of the lab have been damaged in what appears to be a physical confrontation. Through the gloomy, flickering red emergency lighting they can see impacted consoles and smashed research equipment; upon entering the small outpost’s central lab it appears there has been a riot with the central lab in disarray. The cries of help have fallen quiet and Katsu uses her tricorder to discover two life signs, one barely registering, deeper into the base’s still dark administration wing. In the direction of a long streak of green blood on the floor.  Whilst Katsu investigates the wounded life signs, Charlie explores the other side of the small base, discovering several large supply crates bearing a barely masked symbol of the Breen Confederacy; on further examination there is a significant amount of non-Starfleet technology integrated into the depowered base, including several experimental adaptations from governments considered ‘enemies’ of the Federation. 

Through a break in the damaged office doors Katsu can see two people, one appears unconscious with a chest wound whilst the second appears to be providing aid. Despite their best attempts they are unable to open the doors without the base’s power systems and Charlie attempts to bring the base online by reactivating the small M/AM generator. Unfortunately he continues to suffer from the devolution pathogen, exacerbated by the adrenaline rush of his near escape at the ravine and he is unable to restore full functionality; he does however reactivate a backup battery system, providing sufficient power to restore basic functionality to the base. 

Scene 2 – A Desperate Doctor

The doors now powered, Katsu manages to open them with the help of the much stronger Ensign Brogue and begins administering medical aid to the injured Vulcan whilst the scientist provides assistance. After stabilising the casualty the team question the human woman who reveals herself to be the chief scientist Dr. Schipp. She explains that the team had been on planet researching the medicinal benefits of the local fauna, including a possible treatment for Irumodic syndrome; unfortunately the team realised too late that the jungle was also producing the devolution spores and much of the staff were already suffering from advanced symptoms and one by one they began devolving, becoming exceptionally violent and primal. When she attempted to treat the infected with a trial treatment the worst of the patients broke free and damaged the station in their anger, she notes ironically that the treatment would have worked as it has kept the condition at bay in herself. The team enquire about the possibility of contacting Starfleet and Pioneer for aid but she shows them the damaged communication console, Charlie notices it appears to be damaged by phaser fire rather than blunt force but keeps this information quiet until the Doctor is not within earshot. 

Dr. Schipp asks the team to travel to a nearby crash site, where the research team had lost two of their hover transports when their pilots had suffered a failure of concentration due to the undiagnosed spore condition. The crashed vehicles have independent comms modules that connect with the orbital relays and could be used to repair the base’s systems. She also asks the team to retrieve the samples aboard the second the second craft as they will increase the chances of creating a cure for the devolution spores. The team agree and take the opportunity to re-supply and treat themselves with the trial cure before departing the base for the crash site. Katsu replaces her science & medical kit that was lost in the ravine and Charlie collects some ingredients for some make-shift grenades and pyrotechnics should the team require a distraction. 

Scene 3 – The Crash Site

After a short journey the team arrive at the crash site. On approach they notice the presence of six devolved researchers in the area, with indications there could be more nearby, from the edge of the clearing they ascertain the cabin sections of the hovercraft seem to have survived the crash in good condition and begin planning ways to cause the devolved ‘monkeys’ to retreat from the area. Charlie prepares a small package of chemicals brought from the lab, that when fired on by a phaser should create a loud but relatively harmless explosion; he manages to sneak in and out of the clearing without being detected. Ensign Brogue fires on the package at the teams instruction, unfortunately in his haste to make it, Charlie created a much more aggressive bomb that started a large fire in the clearing. The devolved scientists were scared but did not retreat from the area having noticed the team hovering at the edge of the clearing. 

With the fire growing dangerously quickly our adventurers decided to split up and made a dash for the crashed hovercraft; Charlie headed towards the northward wreck to retrieve the comm array whilst Katsu investigated the southerly one for the samples and supplies, Ensign Brogue provided covering fire as a distraction. Both officers were successful and managed to retrieve their objectives before becoming overwhelmed by the devolved researchers, retreating back to the edge of the clearing and towards the lab. 

As the three took a last glimpse at the crash site, the flames now beginning to engulf the wrecks, they noticed dozens more devolved beings illuminated in the firelight, far more than the dozen Dr. Schipp had reported were on the team. 

Scene 4 – Return to the Lab

On their approach to the lab the team noticed that the power appeared to be restored, as they entered the building they caught echoes of shouting coming from the central area, 3 distinct voices. Stowing both the comm array and the research samples safely behind a bulkhead they proceeded stealthily until they saw that Schipp in conversation with two Cardassian officers, bemoaning the state of their mission and the research lab. It was revealed that Dr. Schipp had been working with the Cardassians to produce mindless, primitive soldiers from prisoners using the spores produced on the planet. After losing control of the subjects she had signalled a Cardassian ship for retrieval. Surprised by the appearance of the Starfleet team she had dispatched them to the crash site with the expectation of being rescued before their return. A communication indicated the orbiting warship Krinnick was entering the atmosphere to retrieve the trio, attempting to avoid detection by Pioneer who was also on approach, having received the crashing runabout’s distress signal. 

After quickly considering their options the team decided to trick the base into an emergency lockdown by breaking one of the samples they had retrieved from the crashed hovercraft, Katsu was able to confirm this would seal the main lab and activate transport inhibitors to prevent accidental contamination. As they prepared to throw the vial into the lab they were spotted and a stand-off ensued, eventually our team took a moment of initiative, surprising the Cardassians and activating the lockdown with a thrown vial whilst Charlie simultaneously utilised the base’s cargo transporters to pull the wounded Vulcan to safety. As the doors sealed shut the base’s computer indicated their vessel had arrived and reinforcements would no doubt be en route. 

Our heroes decided to retreat from the base, taking the final sample and the wounded Vulcan with them, intent on falling back to the jungle and avoiding the Cardassians until Pioneer arrived. As they left the lab complex the tan hull of Krinnick was visible in low orbit, figures already on approach from the forest edge. As the team prepared for combat their combadges chirped.

Pioneer to Away Team, standby for exfill.”

The gleaming silver hull of Pioneer soared overhead, phaser beams reaching out to scratch the stout form of Krinnick as they barrelled effortlessly through the sky; forcing the vessel away from the base and back into orbit. As the familiar white light of the transporter beam engulfed the party, lifting them away to a quarantine Katsu had quickly requested, they saw a growing number of devolved begins emerging from the forest edge, descending on the lab, intent on vengeance.