Part of USS Denver: Mission 7: Pandora’s Warp

Keeping Up With the Cardassians

Outside the capital city
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The ground transport bounced along the road. Rebecca had never ridden in a car and there was no sensation quite like it.  Buildings gave way to farms. The flat tilled land had various greenery growing from a soil so dark it was almost black. She was not a farmer, but even she knew this was prime growing land.

Jeter looked out the window lost in the wide open land around them. While he enjoyed the view he had to admit he preferred being back onboard the ship, a spacer through and through. “You have a beautiful world Stormclaw, it looks a lot like our homeworld.”

Qetax nodded, “It is like the Trill colony I was born on, and sort of like our home-world as well.”

It seemed, at least to the counsellor that lush planets were more supportive of life, though there were notable exceptions. The multi-ton vehicle and its escort sped along the farm roads at 100kph, holding its occupants in near luxury. While the vehicle was clearly armored, the interior was dark woods, leathers, and metal. 

Turning towards the young woman, Varael replied, “Thank you, Lieutenant, though I wish you could appreciate the olfactory part more. The black-eyed night melon crop is due soon. Even now during the day, there is the merest hint of sweet orange. In a few days, no doubt it will be quite noticeable. 

The pair of large truck-like vehicles turned a corner, Varael offered, “Only a few kilometres now.” A million questions ran through his mind to ask, and with the welfare of his people at stake, they all seemed inane. Though one came to mind. “Do you people ‘beam’ everywhere? Just popping up at will all the time seems energy expensive.”

Jeter smiled at that, “It is a very useful piece of technology and it does have substantial energy requirements though we have found ways to ensure they are met. We don’t use it for everything though, there are cases where it cannot be used, some planets naturally have hazards that prevent it and some material doesn’t handle it well. In those cases, we use shuttlecraft to transfer material and people. We may use them to bring in some of the relief add so ensuring your air defenses don’t target us will be good.” 

Varael smiled, pointing a finger towards his assistant, on the PADD-like device linked to his office. “Already done.  I have coordinates for the several warehouses near enough to the sites to be good candidates.” Holding out the device, he offered it to Gus. “Strangely silent this one.” Varael indicated. 

Taking his own PADD, he synched the two and relayed the coordinates to the ship. Gus replied in an even calm tone, “No offence was intended.” When Varael dismissed it with a wave of his hand, he told Gus.”I know the gaze of a warrior when I see one. Do not apologize for guarding the pack. Few professions are held in higher regard among my people. The health and harmony of the pack come first.”  Gus tilted and bowed slightly in respect. 

Coming up on a gated community. They slowed long enough for the gate to open. “Mind you, we added this to let the others have privacy. They can come and go as they please, though they need to sign in and out and take a locator device. We suggest they take escorts. Safety first. Especially since the accident.”In a few hundred yards was a building. They pulled and stopped. “Shall we?” Varael asked.

“Yes, of course,” Rebecca replied. “Do you mean the Cardassians are not being treated as prisoners?”

“And what accident? Did they injure some of your people?” Jeter asked, concern evident on his face.

“We did have a few minor incidents. Scuffles mostly. There was an incident with a trio of others, that slew their escorts and took their weapons. They managed to steal a shuttle after killing the ground crew. The shuttle was destroyed after trying to ram the fighter sent to force them back to the planet.” He said in a very straightforward manner. Then added, “I won’t say it is a shining moment of harmony, but I also don’t condone mass murder.”

As they got out of the car Jeter shook his head slowly. “Neither do we. I am sorry for the loss of life, on both sides.” 

The group made their way through a checkpoint drawing a number of very curious and at times almost hostile looks from the guards on duty. “I assume we need to sign in?” Jeter said as he looked at one of the guards and back to Varael.

Varael looked at the base commander, standing directly facing him, and offered. “Their scent is natural. Weapons down, my orders.”  The guards complied, though a few hesitated until the commander corrected him with a glance.“These are different people. They are here to help. Give them every courtesy.”  

The deafening roar of jet engines marked the approach of a pair of fighters. The pilots deftly skimmed the treetops flying below the primitive sensors of the Luphirians. With precision and speed, the aircraft weaved through the dense forest, their metallic forms briefly visible before seamlessly blending into the shadows. 

“Those aren’t ours,” Rebecca said trying to make out the approaching craft.

Jeter looked up as the two fighters approached, “This doesn’t feel right.” He turned to Varael about to speak as he tapped his combagde, “Denver, give me a status….”

Varael’s head whipped around at the now obvious noise. Being so used to hearing fighter jets, it wasn’t a conscious thought for him. Both lips curled in anger and he even emitted a discernable low growl.  The aircraft was so close now that the engines covered most of the sound. Gus looked over in concern as the sound was primal and saw where Varael’s gaze was pointed.

The fighters thundered overhead near the speed of sound,  the wings displaying markings of the Luphirian military.  As they closed in on the base they released their bombs and pulled and shot skyward. The ensuing explosion sent Rebecca flying backwards, her ears ringing. Two buildings were completely obliterated and the surrounding structures erupted in flames.

Gus moved toward Lieutenant Qetax, but only made it partway. Varael got stuck at the moment and yelled, “COVER,” but his timing was off. Since he was only partially in motion, the blast knocked him sideways into the pavement a few meters away. 

Qetax was knocked off her feet as well, but she recovered staying low and scrambling over to Gus. Though not a medical doctor she had to take First Aid courses while at the Academy and while she did not make use of those skills often it was something she had in her tool kit. 

“You okay?” she asked, capable of dealing with superficial and non-serious wounds if it came to that. It had been a long time since anyone had shot at her.

Gus shook his head, his ears ringing loudly, he barely heard the lieutenant’s query. Finally nodding, he slowly stood up. Tapping his comm badge, he called the bridge, starting a quick sitrep. Varael was already up. He was on his handheld communicator, orders going out rapidly. Civilian orders went out as well as military requests through people he could trust. 

Jeter regained his feet quickly and ran over to help the Captain regain her feet, “Are you ok?”

Accepting Jeter’s hand she stood still trying to get her overloaded senses to settle, “I wouldn’t say this is my best day.”

“You could say that again. I suspect we may have landed ourselves in the middle of a coup attempt.” He looked over at Varael and shouted to get his attention, “We need to get to the prisoners! Can one of you men let me through?”

“Open the gates!” Varael ordered. “That’s an order.” Any loyal troops would know the sound of his voice. There was no time to get any heavy weapons. Still, he quickly retrieved one of the newer energy carbines from his vehicle. Looking over at Gus, “I’d get that weapon ready in case though cowards come back.” Varael offered, his voice incredibly low and rough. 

The roar of the engines suddenly grew louder with the jets turning on a wing.  They came in low. This time a bit slower than before. As they closed in their machine guns opened up ripping through the convoy of Varael’s cavalcade of cars. Bullets whipped past as once again Starfleet and Luphirian dignitaries dove for cover leaving fiery wreckage in their wake. 

Vareal stood his ground away from the vehicle. Flipping the selector to burst, he pulled the trigger in a practiced manner, a few sparks hitting one of the crafts but doing little. Then the fighters shot skyward and they were gone leaving behind an eerie silence. 

Jeter looked over at Gus, “Get Denver to track those fighters, if they start to come back I want them brought down.” He began to start moving towards the prisoners building then stopped, “Actually, have Denver track them back to their base, that is if they don’t return to hit us again. Then beam the pilots to the brig. I have some questions for them and I am sure Varael will as well.”

Gus relayed the information to the bridge, quickly suggesting a tractor beam might also be possible.

“Honestly, I was putting their heads on a pike in the middle of the capital as a warning to the next seven generations that disharmony to the pack will not be tolerated,” Varael said.  “Sadly, that won’t happen.” he said then added, “Yes, Commander. I would like that opportunity very much.”

“I understand that desire, betrayal is hard to stomach,” Jeter said before looking to the Captain before returning his attention to Varael. “I suggest we get to the Cardassians, then get you somewhere safe as I expect you need to contact your allies.”

“Sound advice, Mister Jeter. Plans are already in motion.” Varael said. Like himself, his assistant wore a light armor, so that pride was the worst of her injuries. “Load the Others into trucks. Intersperse guards as well. Let the cowards show their true discord of spirit of they return to attack.” 

“Let’s get back to the Denver,” Rebecca ordered. “We can use the transporters to pull any Cardassian life signs back to the ship. And at this point I don’t give a damn about the Prime Directive.”

“That would be a very sound idea Captian. Though we should notify Commander Nalam and let her know what happened, they need to either be retrieved or will need additional security,” Jeter added quickly.

Rebecca nodded and pressed her combadge, “Talon to Commander Nalam.”

Many miles away Riandri tapped her combadge, “Yes, Captain?”

“Heads up, we were attacked by their military.  We don’t know much, yet, but the base the Cardassian survivors were being housed was bombed and they attacked their leader’s cavalcade.  We’re beaming back to the Denver.” Rebecca told her XO and Intel officer.  The implications of a military coup was obvious,  but without evidence that sort of speculation wasn’t something you transmitted on an open com frequency. 

“I understand Captain,” Riandri remarked then paused for a moment before continuing. “One moment….Captain, we have a column of soldiers approaching the hospital. I will be in touch.”

“Understood. Keep me posted.” She closed the com and slammed her combadge again. “Talon to Denver. Beam us up.”