Are we there yet

The USS Rhyndacus travels to their new home.

Decision’s made

USS Rhyndacus
June 2400

Son, I received  your communication sorry it took me a couple days to reply. Took a look at the official mission report on the Rhyndacus, not sure there is or was much more you could have done to change the outcome. But in the end you accomplished your mission and helped bring a planet and its peoples into a new era. I’m sure you have heard but the people of Alth’Ndor IV voted to join the Romulan Republic.


As towards your other question. Right now, I can not think of any of my recent graduates that could assume the role of Chief of strategic operations. I could recommend several to fill various roles in your security and/or tactical departments but not for that role. 


As a side note, you may want to be thinking of “what’s next?”  Being assigned to Task Force 47 and being out in the Thomar Expanse I can almost guarantee you won’t be captain of the Rhyndacus for much longer. Those Ravens are great little ships but they are not meant for the type of  missions you will get out there. Now that I said that, get any ideas of a big flashy ship out of your mind, you’re too new, young and inexperienced for one of those. Your mother and I talked about this very thing with some of our fourth year cadets in the commons the other day, as the question had come up about first commands and what to expect. We would suggest, if you get a choice, either the Norway, Steamrunner or the new Reliant class of ships for that area and the missions you would be focusing on. 


Now back to the question. I may not be able to recommend any of my current graduates, but I can recommend someone. Have you talked to your godfather lately? From our last conversation a few weeks ago he was on his way to DS9. Which is kind of close, in a way, to you and your task force. Think about it, we both know he checks all of the boxes that any Captain worth his salt would want in a Chief of strategic operations. If you do, ask nicely, chuckles ,remember you would need him more than he needs you. 


Oh a bit of family news, your sister is pregnant with our first grand babies. So you may want to send her a message. Your mother sends her love.


Kr’Antren read through the message for the second time. “Dad, Uncle Skagath? really?” Looked around his ready room. “Well, he does make a good point. I can’t think of anyone more qualified.chuckles though I wonder how many of the older noncomm’s and enlisted would have horror stories and possibly nightmares about ol’ uncle Skagath.” Sat back in his chair and before he knew it he had written and sent out a message to one LTJg Skagath at DS9. “Star fleet help the crew if he says yes.” 


Looked over at the pile of PADDS off to one side of his desk and shook his head. “ Half of those are personnel requisitions, taking what I had hoped would be the foundation of a future crew; the other half are recommendations for new crew from other captains or department chiefs trying to push off their bad eggs or volunteers looking to move to the new, unexplored region that TF47 will be looking to expand. “


Taps his com badge “Number one to the ready room please.”


“On the way captain”


“She may not know it yet, but the first one on that pile is for her. Guess she will have a decision to make.”


Lt Talibah entered the ready room, looked over the stack of pads and went to the replicator “Turkish coffee, light cream and sugar and a plate of honeyed dates. I think we will both need some of this before the day is through.” As she lifted the cup and plate and took her customary seat at the table. “So what  do we have sir?” 


He turned his chair and reached for the top PADD, knowing that this one PADD could decide many things for the immediate future. Slid the PADD over to her. “That one is yours.” 


She picked it up, picked up her cup off coffee and took a sip as she started to read it. “I presume you know what this says captain?”


“I do”  Sat back in his chair “I don’t have much of a recruitment speech, I believe we have the beginnings of a good command team between us. I have no idea what the future holds, what our next mission is, if we will even be a crew still or what ship we will be on. What I can say is that I’m proud to have served with you and I couldn’t ask for a better first officer.”


She looked down at the PADD, closed her eyes for a moment, and took another sip of coffee. Signed something on the PADD and slid it back to him. 


He looked at it, raised an eyebrow. “You sure about this, you would be passing up one hell of an offer. Doubt you would see another one like this for quite some time.”


“Yes captain, I’m quite sure.” 


“We’ll, then that’s settled number one.Your stuck with me.” Put the PADD off to one side. “Next order of business then. Computer put spreadsheet crew listing Task Force 47 Alpha on the big screen. As you can see” Turned back around to the desk behind him and grabbed the first half of the PADDS. “We are losing most of the bridge staff and three quarters of the rest of the crew. I have a PADD for the doc that is much along the lines of the one you just had.” 


“Captain, if I may suggest something. I would call the doc in here before we do anything else. She has been through a lot and I’m sure she would appreciate that your first concern was about her and her future and well being. Let her read the PADD and if she needs it, give her the time to think it over.”


He closed his eyes, reached for the PADD and called for the doc to come to the ready room. “ See number one, we do have the makings of a command team. I probably would have waited for her till I thought she was ready to make that kind of a decision. But the way you put it made e quickly realize that would have been a major mistake.” She gave a good chuckle as she ate one of the dates.


A few minutes later Dr. M’Gok entered the ready room, noticing the view screen, she shook her head. “Let me see it, Captain. I know you wouldn’t have called me in here for a crew rotation meeting of it didn’t concern me in some form or fashion.” Number one lets out a chuckle and gives a head tilt towards the doc.


“Doc, take all the time you need on this one.” Kr’Antren slid the PADD over to her


Dr. M’Gok looks at the PADD, touched  the blinking light on the screen and read  it for about 10 seconds. Quickly looks at number one than at the captain “Captain, did you read this. Don’t answer that, I know you have.” Signed it and handed it back “Sir, after the events on Alth’Ndor IV I know where I’m needed. Right now that’s with this ship and the future that awaits us out there.She looked over at number one, “are those honeyed dates?” 


He looked at the PADD, shook his head and placed it on top of LTjg Talibah’s. He turned back to the desk and grabs three PADDS and slides them over to Dr. M’Gok. “The top one I would suggest going through soon, it’s a list of nurse candidates. The other two can wait a bit till we find out what the future holds. The second one is a short list of medical officers which number one and I  would have used to find your replacement had you taken the offer. Hold onto it though in case you need to find yourself a couple medical officers and the third one is medical crewman, something applies on that one. I don’t know what is going to become of us yet. New ship? Split up the crew? well what’s left of them. But let’s be prepared for any possibility shall we.”


She took the PADDS, set them to the side and nodded her head. “Well I’m here, care for a third wheel in your crew discussions.”


“Not at all Doc, we were just getting ready to start looking at the candidates.  Having another set of eyes is always good with matters such as this.


“Ok, as we can see Ensign Yiv has accepted a position as a team leader with a fighter squadron on an Akira. Definitely a good career move for him, he is a good helmsman but I can tell piloting a starship is just not what he wants to do right now. Here is a list of the possible replacements for him. I do have one I’m leaning towards but let me know what you think after reading through them. Send me a list of your top six and I’ll compare notes and grades.”


They both nodded at this.


“Next is Chief Ruz, I just found out that he was offered and he accepted a Chief of the Ship position  on a Parliament class ship. So that is a step up for him and one that honestly I can not deny him. Again same idea with the list.”

“However, Petty Officer Stimeck will be staying with us.”


“Ensign Tazzeth will also be staying, however I do have a short list of science officers that I would like to consider to be his deputy. Take a look through them and let me know what you think.”


Number one takes a long sip from her coffee and looks at the screen a bit closer. “Captain, are we expanding the crew? Or do you know something that we don’t yet know? “


He Looked over at his number one and shook his head  “Number one, you know what I know, however my father did make an interesting point in his last communication and it’s something that I think needs to be looked at. I would rather be ready with ideas for who we would want versus just getting everyone else’s cast offs or undesirables” points at another stack of PADDS on his desk.


“Good point, I would have to agree with you on this.”


“Changes the view screen to show a records profile of a LTJG wearing the gold of operations. I’ve made one decision already. I will be offering the Chief of Operations to LTJG Shrybaass Th’zerras. He came to me highly recommended by my former boss at Star Base Bravo. My idea at this time would be to move Chief Kaha over to communications which is more in line with her skills. 


“I’m also considering a recommendation from my parents on a possible Chief of strategic operations. I’ll be making the offer to him sometime today.” running a hand through the hair on his head “ If he accepts, don’t let his rank fool you. The man knows what he is talking about and he has the experience to back up what he says.”


“As I suggested to the doc, some of these can wait till we know what the future holds. Don’t want to be making offers on slots that we don’t have. But it would be a good idea to have a list ready to go just in case.” Picks up his cup and takes a long sip from it. 


“If you don’t have questions, please take your time over the next couple of days and look over the profiles. Compile a list of your top six or so and send it back to me. I’ll then look over the recommendations and we will go from there.”


Dr. M’Gok picks up her PADDS and makes her way out of the ready room.


Number one, this next question is purely hypothetical. Again, it comes from my parents’ last communication and the point my dad made. If we were able to choose our next ship. Would you go with the Norway or the Steamrunner or the new Reliant class of ships? Just between us. If you could let me know what you think of those choices.”


“Hmmm From what I’ve read about TF47 and our new Area of Responsibility. I can understand why your dad would suggest those classes, Captain. Good all around ships. Let me do some research and get back to you on that.”


He nodded his head “Sure, I’m going to do some research on them also.”


He watches her leave the ready room, walks over and sits behind his desk. “Now, how do you ask someone old enough to be your father and is your godfather to consider serving as your chief of strategic operations and security.”  Starts typing a communication on his console, making sure to include the filled out request for transfer paperwork with the letter.

Entering the expanse

USS Rhyndacus
June 2400

“Incoming transmission sir, says it’s for you from DS9.”


“Send it to my ready room” As he got up from his chair,straightened his tunic and made his way to his ready room.


“Ahhhh me’boy, there you are.So mom and dad let you out of the nursery did they? “ as the figure of a tellarite in tactical Red wearing the pip’s of a LTJG filled the screen.


“Uncle Skaagrath  I see you still need the box to stand on to see over the desk.”


“Your getting out of practice Kr’Antren gotta do better than that against one like me. You have used that one too many times.” Bellowing laughter erupted from the view screen.” Maybe, I should come over to your little toy you call a star ship and give you a few lessons in how to properly give an insult that a tellarite would be proud of.”


Kr’Antren lets out a slight chuckle “Accept my offer and you could teach me all you want old man.”


Lt. Skaagath looks into the view screen and gives his chin a good scratch through his quite prominent and full beard. “I’m thinking it over boy’o, I hate to leave this nice station, after all I only got here a few months ago. and they do have such nice establishments.” Gave a wink at the screen.


“Uncle, we all know you hate station life. So don’t try to go there. Did you read the reports and the other information I sent you?”


“Yes,yes,yes. Read it all. I just don’t know though the Ravens are awfully small. You know I need some room.”


Kr’Antren slightly almost comically covers his mouth.”Not me fault your as wide as a house.”


“What, what did you say? I heard that, thought you’d sneak one in did ya. Haaaa gotta be better than that.” Scratches his chin again.


“Haaaa I know you’re considering it, you always scratch your chin like that when you are thinking positively about something. Dad said he would bet that we wouldn’t be in the Rhyndacus much longer, that the Ravens aren’t really meant for the type of missions we will be seeing in the Thomar Expanse.”


“He’s right, you know, they’re not. Been reading up on that area since I got your first message last night. Lots of rough folk out in them parts, plus the borders with the Cardassians, tzenkethi and the Breen will make for some interesting times.” Looks into the view screen 


“Ugh you’re going to make me say it aren’t you. All right, all right. LTJg Skaagath would you please consider joining the crew of the Rhyndacus and/or any assigned ship that we get as the Chief of Strategic Operations and security. There I said it ol’man.” Chuckles into the screen.


All you had to do was ask nicely, sir. Ugh I can’t believe I called you, a wet behind the ears kitten” winks “ sir. Can I bring Betsy? Can’t just leave her here you know. And what about the crew? Do I get a say in my crew? And my quarters I want my choice in quarters you know I’m picky about them. “


“You brought Betsy with you? Well right now you have two security crewmen, one will have to be brought in after the events on Alth’Ndor IV. However if things change as you and dad think they will then yes your input would be sought for the personnel in your departments. As far as quarters” let’s out a chuckle “not much we can do about them on the Rhyndacus but if things change then yes. “


Skaagath holds up a Tortoise about a foot to a foot and a half in length and about that wide. “Yep, Betsy is right here. Best birthday gift an uncle could ask for. I guess I can agree to all of that. Let me turn in the papers and I’ll be out that way as soon as I can hitch a ride.” 


Kr’Antren types a few things on the PADD in front of him “I just sent the paperwork to DS9 command. And yes, you can bring Betsy, but she stays in your quarters.”


Skaagath held Betsy so she faced him. “You hear that lady, we got ourselves a new home. Guess we better start packing.“ placed  Betsy back on the floor and he then pulled out the swagger stick that has become such a part of his persona that seeing him without it would be like seeing someone you have known all your life after having an arm or leg amputated. As he started to tap it against his leg.  “Ok then Captain ” shakes his head after saying that. “Sorry, that’s  going to take some getting used to calling you Captain when I used to bounce you on my knee and read you bedtime stories. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”


“Uncle, those stories can stay between us. Right?”


“Oh sure, sure they can. Well until someone buys a me a few drinks one night than wellll who knows what will come out. So many stories to tell” let out another bellowing laugh as he ended the transmission.


Kr’Antren shook his head and headed out of the ready room, in some ways fascinated by the idea having LTJg Skaagath as his Strat ops chief and In other ways he dreaded the other idea.


“Well, number one we have a new Chief of Strategic Operations and Security. No I’m not letting that proverbial cat out of the bag on just who it is.”


LTJg Talibah, Number one, raised an eyebrow as he said this and stood up from the center chair and took her place on the bridge.


“Captain, we should be exiting Red Route one, right about now!” They watched as the cascading view of Warp slowed to show them their new home, the Region of the alpha Quadrant known as the Thomar Expanse. 


Kr’Antren shook his head at Ensign Yiv’s poor excuse for aiding a movie line “That’s what we get for letting you pick the movie last night. “


“Well sir, you have to admit it fits what we were doing.”


Kr’Antrem nodded “True” Chief Kaha. Please inform Deep Space 47 and Task Force 47 Command that we have arrived in the Thomar Expanse and are making way to DS47. Arrival should be in.”checks the info on his armrest console.” 24 hours.”


Chief kaha checks over a few things on her console, nodding as she relays the message. A couple minutes later she hits the intercom button so that all can hear. A dry male voice, slightly on the baritone side but speaking as if reading from a script comes over the channel. “USS Rhyndacus, From the commander of Task Force 47 and her staff we would like to welcome you to the Thomar Expanse home of Task Force 47. Deep Space 47 will be expecting you. Inform Deep Space 47 flight control when you’re a couple hours out so preparations can be made for your arrival. Deep Space 47, out


Kr’Antren looked over the bridge “Well you heard the man, welcome to our new home. Number one,  work with the department heads to prepare those that are transferring to other locations to get set up for departure. I’m going to grant 48 hours shore leave, which means no leaving the station, on a rotational basis so I will need a leave roster and a duty roster on my desk  before our final approach to Deep Space 47. Helm plot a course for Deep Space 47, warp 6. Watch out for traffic. I don’t want to hit a freighter or a crew transport on our way in.”


“Course plotted sir, taking us to warp 6.”


“Chief Kaha, Ensign Tazzeth let’s record all sensor sweeps both long and short. Never know what we will pick up that the folks in command might find useful.”


“Helm make sure you have that course plotted and in your report. Other crews may find it useful versus going through the badlands. Oh and if I may make a suggestion. I would think of a different name for it.”


Ensign Yiv let out a chuckle. “Yes sir, it will be in my report new name and all.”


“Number one, I’ll be in my ready room going over those final after action reports from Alth’Ndor IV, also need to finish going through the crew requests.”


“Yes captain.”


“Number one you have the conn.”


“I have the conn”


Kr’Antrem exited the bridge and entered his ready room. Knowing he had some decisions to make and a report to finalize before they reached Deep Space 47.

Arrival at DS47

USS Rhyndacus
June 2400

“Deep space 47 flight control this is the USS Rhyndacus requesting docking instructions, holding at the outer marker for further instructions.” Number one stated from her position. 


“USS Rhyndacus permission to dock has been granted. Deep Space 47 welcomes you to the Thomar Expanse. All Facilities and are open and available to the crew. Let us know if we can be of any assistance during your stay. DS47 flight control out.”


“Sir, we have received vectoring instructions for our assigned dock.”


Take us in helm ¼ impulse and watch the paint job.” Kr’Antrem states from his center chair. As the bridge crew watched the Narendra class station fill their view screen.


“Would you look at that beauty? Now that’s a starship.” Ensign Yiv said as they passed a berthed sovereign class ship. “I thought there were only a few of those deployed, hard to believe one would be out here. Fourth Fleet and Bravo Fleet must be real serious about the Thomar expanse to assign one of those babies out here.”


Kr’Antrem looked at the information on his  armrest console “ That’s the Atlantis, and yes she has been assigned to Task Force 47. So I’m sure we will be seeing more of her in due time. Helm. Please keep your eyes where we are going and stop drooling all over your console. Besides, you’re on your way to an Akira class to be back in a fighter seat.”


“True sir, but you have to admit they are a thing of beauty.”


Kr’Antren nodded his head in agreement. 


“Sir, we are making final approach” they felt a jolt on each side of the ship “those would be the tractor beams bringing us in.”


“”Number one, make the ship ready to Dock.”


“Sir the port side docking ring has locked on and reports green, all umbilicals have been attached and are showing green across the board. Sir, the Rhyndacus has docked.” Number one said from her position, as she now got up and walked over to stand beside the center chair. “ Well, sir, we made it to our new home.”


Kr’Antren stood up from his chair and looked over the bridge crew. “Yes, we have. Chief Kaha open internal comms “


“Comms are open sir.”


“Rhyndacus, this is Lt Kr’Antren. We have docked at DS47. Department heads have the leave and duty schedules. 48 hours shore leave will commence at 2000 hours, giving us plenty of time to make sure the ship is situated and everything is locked down for station procedures. Those of you that will not be staying with us, just in case I do not get to you on a personal level before you leave, I wish to be the first to say Thank you and it has been a pleasure serving with you. Lt. Kr’Antren out.”


“Bridge to engineering”




“Chief being the warp core to station levels, unless we hear otherwise.”


“Already started the procedures sir, warp core should be at safe levels for station life at 1900 hours.”


“Thank you Chief”


“Number one, I’ve just received a message earlier from Task Force command that they want a briefing with me at 1800 hours. “ looks at the chrono on the view screen. “Gives us a couple hours to finalize the mission reports before I sign off on them. “ 


“Command staff, I know you all want to start your shore leave just as much as anyone else. I will ask though please wait for my return from the briefing with command just in case they have a new mission for us, if nothing new comes to me during the brief I’ll pass the word to Number one.”


Kr’Antren looked around the bridge and received nodded heads from those that were busy with docking procedures or affirmatives from those that were not .


“Chief Kaha, please make sure that gets passed to Doc and Chief Ruz. Number one, let’s go over these final reports and get them to command before the briefing.