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Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Dragon: Cadmus

Your ship has been dispatched to the far reaches of the Gradin Belt. Vague reports have come in of Borg ships being sighted on long-range sensors. Your mission is to negotiate and secure sensor readings from as many local powers as possible, all of whom have reason to be fearful of the Borg and wary of Starfleet. Only by putting together this tapestry of information can Starfleet understand the wider movement of the Borg on this dark frontier.

Mission Description

Your ship has been dispatched to the far reaches of the Gradin Belt. Vague reports have come in of Borg ships being sighted on long-range sensors. Your mission is to negotiate and secure sensor readings from as many local powers as possible, all of whom have reason to be fearful of the Borg and wary of Starfleet. Only by putting together this tapestry of information can Starfleet understand the wider movement of the Borg on this dark frontier.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

20 November 2023


USS Dragon: Cadmus

“Commander Lighia, I’m Captain Rigras of the USS Dragon and this is my Executive Officer Lieutenant Bearsong.” they entered the commander’s office. “Ahh yes, we have been waiting for your arrival.” the commander said as she pulled a PADD from the top of the pile on her [...]

31 October 2023


USS Dragon: Cadmus

“I’m here to see the XO, as directed,” Aryanna said to the Lieutenant sitting in front of her at a console. “Yes, Ma’am. I’ll let him know that you are waiting” The lieutenant hit the internal comms button on the console. “Captain. Commander Rigras of the Dragon is here to see you [...]