Part of USS Eagle: Some Time Off

Closing the Case

Delvis IV
May 2401
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The entire population currently on Delvis, about two hundred people, were seated in the arena.  It was the day after Izi claimed to have solved Trevor’s murder and the USS Eagle had arrived.  The evidence gathered had been under guard all night by Izi, Kurtox, and his most trusted men, and everything was going to be revealed.  In the center of the combat grounds were Captain Matt Kirby and Lieutenant Commander Roger Allen.  Nick and Izi had returned to the ship, gotten cleaned up, and were back in uniform and standing with their crew mates.  For Nick, it didn’t come soon enough.

There was a nervous and curious buzz in the crowd.

Kirby raised a hand to silence the gathering and after introducing himself, held up a Starfleet PADD for all to see.

“This is evidence that irrefutably reveals the identity of the person that murdered Trevor Mayberry.  It was obtained by my security officer, Lieutenant Iziraa.  It was kept under guard all night and officially turned over to us when we arrived this morning, maintaining the chain of custody.  My science people examined the data and confirmed what Lieutenant Iziraa found.”

Another hum rippled through the crowd.

Kirby continued.  “We are here now because Delvis IV, though an independent world, is in Federation space and operates under certain Federation laws.  After speaking with Kurtox, the leader here, we came to an agreement that suits both parties.  If the guilty person comes forward and confesses, they will be arrested and tried in a Federation court of law.  If they do not and I am forced to read the evidence, my officers and I will leave Delvis and that person will be sentenced according to the laws here.”

There was yet another murmur from the people, but Nick sensed it was more awe and disbelief.  If he wasn’t already privy to this, he probably would have reacted the same way.

“The guilty person has thirty seconds,” said Kirby.  “After that, I’ll present the evidence and we’ll call our ship to beam us aboard.  We’ll leave you to enforce your laws.”

Nick didn’t know what the Delvis judgment for murder was and he didn’t want to know.  Counting down in his head, Nick was surprised when he reached thirty and no one came forward.

“Very well,” said Kirby, tapping the PADD.  “It was confirmed that the d’k tahg dagger owned by Mara Conway was the murder weapon, as blood on the blade was a DNA match to Trevor Mayberry.  Furthermore, skin samples taken from the lock on Ms. Conway’s cabin door matched cell residue remaining on the dagger handle.  The DNA was found in the Federation database, giving us the identity of the guilty person whose name I will say now.”

“Wait!  Please stop!  It was me.  I did it.  I killed Trevor.  Take me with you.  Don’t leave me here.”

Upon seeing the person confessing, outrage and anger quickly spread.  The person was grabbed, jostled, and punches and kicks were landing.  Kurtox, two of his men, Commander Allen, and Izi ran over to stop the crowd.  Dragging the person to the center of the arena, Kurtox threw them onto the ground.

Nick was shocked to see who it was.  Gus Simmons, Trevor’s friend.  The plan had worked.