USS Hypatia (Archive) - USS Lakota (Archive) - USS Proteus (Archive)

Intermission: Hope Amidst Chaos

In the midst of chaos around the galaxy, the day-to-day lives of the squadron become interlinked in a way many never thought possible...

Mission Description

In the midst of chaos around the galaxy, the day-to-day lives of the squadron become interlinked in a way many never thought possible…

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

1 November 2024

An Unpleasant Surprise

USS Hypatia: Intermission: Hope Amidst Chaos

Having a starship without a Captain was like a sailing ship without a rudder – no ability to steer its way in any direction and left at a standstill. That had been the fate of Lakota ever since her commanding officer had resigned and her executive had been promoted elsewhere. Commander [...]

29 October 2024


USS Hypatia: Intermission: Hope Amidst Chaos

Proteus, a sea-god of Greek mythology capable of foretelling the future, and a fitting name for one of Starfleet’s newest vessels intended to bring the Fourth Fleet into the 25th century. In the short time that the ship had been in service, it had experienced some of the most challenging times in [...]

29 October 2024

A New Directive

USS Hypatia: Intermission: Hope Amidst Chaos

The dark, gloomy night drew in as my family and I lay in the dimly lit tent. The sky was crystal clear, and so was the space around us. At least that’s what we thought… Terrifying sounds began to emanate from the distant treeline. We thought it would be wise to investigate, to make sure that [...]