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USS Lakota

Excelsior II-class • NCC-42768 • Task Force 17

USS Lakota is an Excelsior-II-class heavy cruiser assigned as the flagship of the Fourth Fleet’s Lakota Squadron. Continuing a long and proud legacy, she is the fourth vessel to bear the proud Lakota name. Representing a contemporary and versatile upgrade to the iconic Excelsior-class starships of yesteryear, she is a versatile ship taking on a path of her own in these challenging times, operating in some of the most dangerous areas of the galaxy.

Having bounced back from the loss of their captain during the deadly Frontier Day disaster, the crew have found new life under the command of Fleet Captain Keziah Nazir, restoring their belief and hope for the future. Together, Captain and crew complete their shakedown, and venture beyond the borders of Federation space as the tumultuous Demilitarised Zone threatens to unravel and bring an end to a near two-decade-long peace process…

The stories of Lakota Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including some moderate violence, language and sexual content.

Lakota Heavy Cruiser Squadron

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7 July 2024

4 - The Situation Unfolds

USS Lakota: Sphere of Shadows

“Dropping from warp in 3…2… 1…” On the edge of the Arbazan system, two magnificent bright lights preceded the emergence of two of the sleekest starships Starfleet had in their arsenal. As soon as the vessels appeared from their warp vortices, they effortlessly switched between warp and [...]

2 July 2024

3 - The Truth Behind the Line in the Sand

USS Lakota: Sphere of Shadows

“You need to be careful…” Slumped in the chair opposite the Chief Medical Officer’s desk, Keziah looked more than a little fragile. Being told that her XO knew about her compromised medical state was not something she anticipated having to deal with right now, especially on the march to [...]

30 June 2024

2 - On What Grounds?

USS Lakota: Sphere of Shadows

Given the atmosphere in the turbo lift on the way to the bridge, it would take a structural engineer with a phaser drill several hours to cut the tension between Flyboy and the younger blonde accompanying him to the command center. To his credit, Henry had decided to heed the words of the XO, [...]

23 June 2024

1 - The Wandering Starship

USS Lakota: Sphere of Shadows

In the depths of space, lightyears from the nearest starship, starbase or space body, something was stirring. Something miraculous and intriguing. Something exciting enough that it drew the gaze of a wandering starship some distance away, causing the Echelon-class USS Proteus to divert from her [...]