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Part of Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

USS Dragon: Abeloth – Aftermath

The Dragon is tasked to help relocate refugees and to search out and find what the Dominion left behind.

Mission Description

The Dragon is tasked to help relocate refugees and to search out and find what the Dominion left behind.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

18 October 2023


USS Dragon: Abeloth - Aftermath

“Lieutenant. We are working on the data from team two. Looks like they may be right though. The data seems to correlate to known lost fleet operations.” “Good, good.” “Lieutenant, we may have something here.” an ensign in engineering gold said from another group. Zhaishi made her way [...]

2 October 2023


USS Dragon: Abeloth - Aftermath

“Lieutenant, we are sixty seconds out from the piece bravo. Coming up on the starboard side.” “Thank you, Ensign.” The Lieutenant said as she looked out the shuttle’s front viewing panels. She picked up her helmet from the port side station behind the helm officer’s seat [...]

25 September 2023


USS Dragon: Abeloth - Aftermath

“Blue three, you’re with me. Blue two and four. Take the outer ring of the area; we will take the inner. If you find anything, mark it for the Aztec. “Roger, that blue leader. Going to look at that item at coordinates 80 mark 20. Looks to be a rather large piece of whatever this was.” “Be [...]

13 September 2023


USS Dragon: Abeloth - Aftermath

“Captain, the last group of refugees have been transported,” Sustrum announced “Very well, I hope the work that Meadow and her team did doesn’t hinder the resettlement of the refugees. They asked for a lot, hard to believe that command agreed to it all.” “Yes ma’am” “Let’s [...]