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Part of Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

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Mission Description

Now home on Earth, the crew of the Odyssey prepare to be involved in the upcoming Frontier Day celebrations – things change so much for the crew.

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4 August 2023

This Far, How Further? - 12

USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

“Sir, it’s time,” uttered the gentle, soothing voice of Penelope. The Emergency Command Hologram had just fizzled into the ready room and stood by the entrance. Fleet Captain James McCallister checked his appearance in the mirror once more. He adjusted his dress uniform and smoothed out his [...]

30 July 2023

This Far, How Further? - 8

USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

“Captain’s log, stardate five-two-one-eight-eight point seven. The Herschel has reached the edge of the Takara sector to begin our mapping expedition. We are entering the orbit of an L-class planet as my chief engineer has requested we conduct repairs to the warp engines.” Following [...]

30 July 2023

This Far, How Further? - 7

USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

With only a day to go with Frontier Day celebrations underway, Ensign Jonarom found being on the Odyssey extremely overwhelming. He hadn’t been able to find transport to return to the Bellerophon since the Dominion brutally attacked and heavily crippled it. He had been on the Odyssey, assisting [...]

27 July 2023

This Far, How Further? - 6

USS Odyssey: This Far, How Further?

Returning home, if briefly, was a welcomed one for James Preston McCallister. The Red Lion Hotel, his childhood home, was busier than ever. His parents had gone full out in celebrating Frontier Day, which had attracted a sizable crowd. His father had gone as far as to sell small models of famous [...]