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USS Daradax: Mission 3 – The Risian Connection

Following their deployment the Kunhri System the USS Daradax is reassigned to Starbase 47 on the other side of the Federation. Enroute they are ordered to meet with the SS Heritage over Risa to pick-up a passenger and transport them to DS9. This has given the crew the rare chance to have a couple of days of leave while they wait for the SS Heritage to arrive.

Mission Description

Following their deployment the Kunhri System the USS Daradax is reassigned to Starbase 47 on the other side of the Federation. Enroute they are ordered to meet with the SS Heritage over Risa to pick-up a passenger and transport them to DS9. This has given the crew the rare chance to have a couple of days of leave while they wait for the SS Heritage to arrive.

About the Mission

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13 October 2022

Risian Connection Chp 6 - An Unpleasant Journey

USS Daradax: Mission 3 - The Risian Connection

Bridge – 7:45 Kirin stepped onto the bridge rubbing her head and holding a hot cup of coffee with her other hand after another restless night due to her consistent headaches. She had been having them for a while and she knew they were due to the replacement pheromone-blocking implant she had [...]

10 October 2022

Risian Connection Chp 5 - Rendezvous with Heritage

USS Daradax: Mission 3 - The Risian Connection

Bridge – 8:30 Kirin stood on the bridge of the Daradax and looked out the viewport at the blue pearl floating in the void below the ship as well as the other vessels that orbited the planet. The last couple of days had been nice, and restful, something she had not had for a long time. She [...]

26 September 2022

Risian Connection Chp 4 - A Day to Relax

USS Daradax: Mission 3 - The Risian Connection

The day after – Risian Connection Chp 3 – Homecoming  08:30 – Tarken Homestead; Risa “So is this what you will do your entire day at home Kiri? Laze about outside?” came the voice of Keuon; her father.  Kirin groaned as she rubbed her head and blinked her eyes open. She [...]

31 August 2022

Risian Connection Chp 3 - Homecoming

USS Daradax: Mission 3 - The Risian Connection

8:30 – Bridge, USS Daradax Lieutenant JG Thanen Th’zalnar sat in the command chair scrolling through the sensor feeds benign feed to the small display on the left armrest as the ship dropped out of warp into the outer edges of the Risian system. Without looking up he smiled and his antennae [...]