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Part of Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

USS Edinburgh: Mission 1 – What Burns in the Darkness

The Romulan plot continues!

Mission Description

Commander Harris and his crew have been assigned to the USS Edinburgh to continue to seek out information on the Romulan separatists that attacked them and appear to have more than just raids on their minds. As they prepare to launch, five members of their crew go missing in transit.  The mystery deepeens.

About the Mission

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23 June 2022

Face to Face

USS Edinburgh: Mission 1 - What Burns in the Darkness

USS Edinburgh – Bridge – 1900 “On screen.” The bridge crew seemed to take a deep breath as the image of Commodore Patra appeared before them.  He was greying and his face was worn but his eyes were brightly shining with living fire and rage that unsettled each officer, including [...]

23 June 2022

The Penultimate

USS Edinburgh: Mission 1 - What Burns in the Darkness

USS Edinburgh – Briefing Room – 1800 Captain Rachel Harris stood at the far end of the table as the command crew of the USS Edinburgh filed in quietly and took their seats.  Her son, Ambrose, sat at the head.  He spoke first, “Good evening everyone.  We’ve completed our [...]

22 June 2022

The Land of the Dead

USS Edinburgh: Mission 1 - What Burns in the Darkness

Rivax Colony – Colony Buildings – 1130 The bodies were the worst part.  There were so many to catalog, scan, and place into secure containers that the Edinburgh had transported down a few moments ago.  Jordan’s heart had grown heavier the more they traveled into the colony as more [...]

22 June 2022

The Dead and the Dying

USS Edinburgh: Mission 1 - What Burns in the Darkness

USS Edinburgh – The Castle (bridge) – 1115 Harris stood in the center of the bridge with PADD in hand, reading updates from the various departments as the reality of what had occurred on the Rivax Colony.  They had entered orbit as Thasaz’s science department continued to examine the [...]