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Part of Bravo Fleet: The Stormbreaker Campaign

USS Atlantis: Mission 6: Turbulent Waters

While breaking in her new engines, Atlantis is assigned to the Port Arthur system to assist in preparations for the Century Storm.

Mission Description

While breaking in her new engines after her recent spate of luck in the Delta Quadrant, Atlantis is assigned to the Port Arthur system, home to the world of Stormlea and moon of Highcroft, to assist in preparations for the Century Storm as the colonies there are too numerous for evacuation. Old flames bring welcome reminders of times past while trouble brews on the moon of Highcroft which threatens all the inhabitants.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

18 March 2022


USS Atlantis: Mission 6: Turbulent Waters

It was actually pretty rare to see Tikva in Engineering aboard her own ship, though the size of the vessel meant she should realistically visit more often. It was just circumstances rarely conspired to date to bring her down here. Normally her engineers came to her with problems first, versus her [...]

15 March 2022

Where was this Charles MacIntyre ten years ago?

USS Atlantis: Mission 6: Turbulent Waters

“We’ve got a breach in the sea wall near Baker Street!” came a shout out from the local emergency team. “Gavinton is reporting a potential hurricane forming just off-shore,” came a much calmer update from a team responsible for updates about events on one of the other continents which Mac [...]

15 March 2022

That bit you won’t like

USS Atlantis: Mission 6: Turbulent Waters

“So, you’re saying that a CME, six months ago is the cause for the storm to accelerate towards the system? How can a CME make a storm move faster?” Tikva asked after having had to wave her science officer into a seat, then get her to calm down and deliver her report. “It hasn’t directly [...]

11 March 2022

Arrogant Breed

USS Atlantis: Mission 6: Turbulent Waters

“I have to be honest with you Governor, it doesn’t look nice out there,” Mac said as he stepped into Governor Makarov’s office, guided once more by Mr Toombs who this time didn’t delay with a guided tour and instead bulldozed through crowds and gatherings with a speed he’d expect from [...]