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Part of Bravo Fleet: The Stormbreaker Campaign

USS Odyssey: Shattered Storm

The Odyssey heads into the Paulson Nebula to help neutralise the damage caused by the multiple storms but finds itself running out of time!

Mission Description

Heading into the Paulson Nebula, the Odyssey has been assigned to clean up the mess that has been left behind and rescue any stragglers missed by the mass relief effort. While trailing the edge of one of the larger ion storms, the ship finds itself investigating a number of localised subspace rifts that appear to be interacting with one another. With tachyon emissions so high and the chroniton count above the norm, Odyssey encounters an anomaly forming in the nebula that may cause more problems if it isn’t dealt with. Racing against the clock to complete their work, Odyssey gets help from some unexpected visitors and with Commander Reyas off the ship requiring further aid in her mission to save her mother, the captain finds his priorities shattered in the midst of the storm.  

About the Mission

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19 March 2022

It's Been A Long, Long Time

USS Odyssey: Shattered Storm

Gradually, the fleet admiral eased himself to sit down in the chair behind his desk after ordering the replicator to make him a mug of tea. Leaning across his desk he picked up the warm beverage and was about to to take a sip when the door chime to his office went off. “Come.” He [...]

19 March 2022

Bittersweet News

USS Odyssey: Shattered Storm

Sitting quietly in the captain’s chair on the bridge, Commander Duncan was glaring at a fixed point on the floor between the raised middle pit of the bridge where the three command chairs were and where the ops and helm stations were. The only noise heard on the bridge was the odd tapping of [...]

17 March 2022

...And Know The Place For The First Time

USS Odyssey: Shattered Storm

The chronition field had flashed across the whole ship as the chevron section’s warp core emitted it, creating a bright golden stream of lightning throughout. It was so powerful it had forced everyone who had returned to their time frames to cover their eyes. Blinking several times, McCallister [...]

17 March 2022

To Arrive Where We Started...

USS Odyssey: Shattered Storm

The jump from their timeframe in the future to the past didn’t make McCallister ill one bit, so as Duncan and he made their way into engineering their disguises were not interrupted by any infliction or sign of them feeling nauseated one bit.  “Captain Kargarth!” bellowed one of the many [...]