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Part of Bravo Fleet: The Stormbreaker Campaign

SS Vondem Rose: Old friends, old scores, old debts

The Century Storm is the perfect cover for a heist, shame someone else thought of it first.

Mission Description

Following their last mission within Romulan Republic space, the Vondem Rose finds itself back in Federation space to let things cool down for awhile before trying again. With the advent of the Century Storm however, a possibility arises that is just to good to resist. On a space station orbiting the gas giant Rosalie, protected from the worst of the storm, ne’er-do-wells from across the sector are assembling for some R&R at the invitation of the Last Pirate King.

Someone is going to get shot.
Someone is going to get stabbed.
Someone is going to get robbed.


About the Mission

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End Date

16 March 2022

We should meet up

SS Vondem Rose: Old friends, old scores, old debts

“We should meet up.” A simple enough message that could bring with it terribly or fortuitous news. The former the sort that was best said in person, delivered with the warmth of the messenger in the room as they break world-shattering news upon the recipient. The latter was in their line of [...]

16 March 2022

You can teach me to dance.

SS Vondem Rose: Old friends, old scores, old debts

The equivalent of yellow alert didn’t really exist on a Klingon warship. You were either ready for battle or you weren’t ready for battle. It was a rather simply duality of existence that seemed to work for the Klingons but was starting to annoy Sidda. Summoned to the bridge by blaring klaxons [...]

11 March 2022

One condition

SS Vondem Rose: Old friends, old scores, old debts

“Why!” A bang resounded throughout Engineering. “You!” Another bang, small place, same force. “Work!” A third bang, followed by the clatter of a dropped tool and a cry of frustration mixed with pain. “I’ll get it,” R’tin said to the other engineers in Engineering as everyone [...]

5 March 2022

As I thought girl

SS Vondem Rose: Old friends, old scores, old debts

“Talk to me,” Sidda said as she walked onto the bridge with Orelia at her back. “Three raiders, two nausicaan, one orion.” The human at Ops said. “Few stray shots but guessing the magnetic interference is messing up their targeting.” He then stepped to the side as Orelia took station, [...]