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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 3: Vanishing Point

USS Arcturus: Dome of Ice

The crew of the Arcturus must reactivate a Tkon beacon buried on an ice planet.

Mission Description

The crew of the Arcturus must reactivate a Tkon beacon buried on an ice planet.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

27 November 2021


USS Arcturus: Dome of Ice

USS Arcturus –  First Officer’s Office Captain Rakan smoothed down a crease in her trousers in performative boredom as Commander Walker gave an impassioned plea for Seth Galbraith, the ship’s social sciences officer, to be released from the brig. A spotless record had been ruined, when [...]

5 October 2021

III - Instructions Not Included

USS Arcturus: Dome of Ice

Lieutenant Galan was expecting to spend several hours combing through the structure in order to locate the Tkon beacon that Captain Lancaster was so insistent on reaching. Even accounting for the human’s predilection for punching through delicate archaeological sites with his phaser, surely there [...]

21 September 2021

II - Landing Party

USS Arcturus: Dome of Ice

“Lancaster to Belvedere. Report to main shuttle bay for away duty ASAP,” came Captain Lancaster’s disembodied voice slightly muffled from the ensign’s combadge.  Belvedere bolted up from bed, biting the inside of his cheek to avoid letting out a stream of curses. He hissed when he banged [...]

17 September 2021

I - Excavation

USS Arcturus: Dome of Ice

Using her main phaser arrays, it had taken the Arcturus almost three hours to cut the trench. Through a dozen meters of ice and another dozen meters of ruined cityscape and frozen topsoil, the ship burned a circle two kilometers down to the bedrock on the surface of Eta Torrensis IV. At the center [...]