Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 3: Vanishing Point

USS Challenger: The Obelisk of the Gods

While waiting for his new command, Captain Forrester is tasked with locating and repairing a Tkon beacon.

Mission Description

While waiting for his new command, Captain Forrester is assigned a small team and given a mission; locate the Tkon beacon on Grian IV and make repairs.

About the Mission

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End Date

17 September 2021

Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?

USS Challenger: The Obelisk of the Gods

Getting through the door had proved relatively easy. With a performance worthy of acting awards aplenty, Commanders Bennett and Calloway managed to distract the guard so the Captain could press the hypospray against his neck and administer a dose of anesthezine big enough to knock him out for a few [...]

9 September 2021

The Will of the Gods

USS Challenger: The Obelisk of the Gods

“So much for keeping a low profile.” Forrester remarked sourly as the away team made its way through the bustling city of Talam. “We stick out like a sore thumb.” Turns out when your fashions are twenty years out of date, people notice you. As they walked along the street, the team was [...]

4 September 2021

Pack Your Bag, We Have A Mission

USS Challenger: The Obelisk of the Gods

“Pack your bag, we have a mission.” Captain Forrester ordered as he ducked into the Mitchell family kitchen to find his friend sitting at the breakfast bar. The two men had been staying with Alexander’s parents in Baltimore. When the Trafalgar docked to begin her year-long refit, Tom had [...]