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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 2: Horizon

USS Arcturus: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Nothing comes from nothing, so the Arcturus must uncover the source of omega molecules in the Delta Quadrant.

Mission Description

Nothing comes from nothing, so the Arcturus must uncover the source of omega molecules in the Delta Quadrant.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

30 August 2021

V - Three Bottles of Wine

USS Arcturus: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Assistant Chief Medical Officer’s Log, Supplemental. Starship Arcturus. As we reintegrate the crew between both sections of the ship, it’s been a little bit of a headache resuming our regularly scheduled medical routine, especially when it comes to patients who receive regular [...]

29 August 2021

IV - Salt Water & Feathers

USS Arcturus: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Chief Communication Officer’s Log, Stardate 76705.7. Encrypted.   I am continuing to analyze the linguistic data that was provided by the Thalruatanians during our first contact mission to improve our universal translation software. There is reasonably clear evidence that the dominant [...]

24 August 2021

III - Steak Dinner

USS Arcturus: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Lieutenant Junior Grade Arturo Hidalgo’s Personal Log. Stardate 76705.7. Encrypted.   We’re close to docking with the stardrive section. I’ll feel a lot safer with the rest of the ship—and the rest of our crew. We’ve been busy in engineering, which has helped me keep [...]

23 August 2021

II - Hasperat

USS Arcturus: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Chief Operations Officer’s Personal Log, Stardate 76705.7. Encrypted.   Nothing about this mission has been normal or expected, but I can say that our journey to rendezvous with the saucer section has at least been free of incident. We picked up one of the runabouts, the Ausable, a few [...]