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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 2: Horizon

USS Atlantis: Mission 3 : Stealing the Past

USS Atlantis, under orders from Command, goes to recover ancient Tkon knowledge from those who have already taken it.

Mission Description

USS Atlantis, under orders from Command, goes to recover ancient Tkon knowledge from those who have already taken it.

About the Mission

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26 August 2021

“Can’t space them either.”

USS Atlantis: Mission 3 : Stealing the Past

“Shields down to eighty percent,” came Ch’tkk’va’s cool response to the latest hit from the Vaadwuur raiders, their principal target being Atlantis versus the less combat capable Va’th. They had been jumped by the Vaadwuur pouring out of a previously unknown interface to the Underspace [...]

22 August 2021

“So Ensign, is this perhaps what your Federation are looking for?”

USS Atlantis: Mission 3 : Stealing the Past

Stepping into the Ready Room, Adelinde took notice that both Captains had ditched cold weather gear, opting to drape coats over the back of chairs and were quiet happily lounging on the couches, drinking something that smelt like coffee and seemingly in an animated conversation. Catching the slight [...]

18 August 2021

Pathway of Forgotten Dreams

USS Atlantis: Mission 3 : Stealing the Past

The bridge that came to life on the Atlantis’ own viewscreen was not too dissimilar in general purposes, or even colour tones really. Control stations spread around a bridge, a command chair in the middle, one looked like a unitary station in front, likely helm. The dark beige colours, warm [...]

15 August 2021

Wait, we all agree?

USS Atlantis: Mission 3 : Stealing the Past

Mission Day 105 0830 HR Ready Room The problem, Tikva was finding, with having a girlfriend who also happened to be your Chief of Security, was the early morning starts. Yes, she kept her fitness up, but she wasn’t the diehard fanatic like some she knew, but Adelinde was edging on that territory. [...]