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Challenger: The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios Prime

From one battlefield to the next, Challenger tries to save a civilisation from falling because of Romulan trickery.

Mission Description

Challenger leads the fleet back to Earth but on their way home they rescue the Krisosian flagship. On board is the Krisoian leader’s husband, who formally requests that they assist him in saving his homeworld from unwanted Klingon aggression. In return his wife has pledged to bring Krios in to the war effort against the Romulans. The Starfleet armada must take on the might of the Klingon Empire, or so it seems…

Dedicated to the Star Trek: Enterprise episode, Precious Cargo, which is celebrating its twentieth anniversary since it first aired and the The Next Generation episode, The Perfect Mate, which first aired over thirty years ago. 


The story is set in the last quarter of the year 2155 (ACE) after Challenger leads an unsuccessful attack against the Romulans at Rator III (Star Trek: Challenger – The Romulan War: The Tholian Stratagem).

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15 April 2022

The Battle of Krios - EPILOGUE

Challenger: The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios Prime

Entering the command deck of the R’Keth, Admiral Kameetha smirked with pride as she looked around the latest invention created by her people. Their new flagship, a bigger and bolder design to use out in the field, was ready for launch and Praetor D’deridex had already given his blessing (and [...]

10 April 2022

The Battle of Krios - NINE

Challenger: The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios Prime

Stomping his way up the metal drop down ladder, Burton was already unzipping his dress uniform as he clambered out of Shuttlepod One. Scrambling out of the small craft behind him were some of those that had joined him on the planet and on the other side of the hangar bay, the rest who were in [...]

9 April 2022

The Battle of Krios - EIGHT

Challenger: The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios Prime

Still slightly aching but not as bad as he was feeling two days ago, Burton stood in his dress uniform sipping on what the Kriosian called their own version of champagne. It was very, very sweet and not as bubbly to what he had tasted on Earth before. Standing to the side of the grand ballroom in [...]

8 April 2022

The Battle of Krios - SEVEN

Challenger: The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios Prime

He opened his eyes gradually and carefully. Blinking a few times, Burton attempted to move his head; instantly he stopped as he felt the sudden surge of pain running through his body. Like a million electrical shots racing up and down his body all at once, he paused for a moment. Sighing inwardly, [...]