Part of Challenger: The Romulan War: The Battle of Krios Prime

The Battle of Krios – EPILOGUE

Imperial Battle Cruiser ChR R’Keth in orbit of ch'Rihan
Day 2, Month of Sharveen
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Entering the command deck of the R’Keth, Admiral Kameetha smirked with pride as she looked around the latest invention created by her people. Their new flagship, a bigger and bolder design to use out in the field, was ready for launch and Praetor D’deridex had already given his blessing (and authority) for her to assume command of it as well as their war efforts against the hevams. As wide as a Bird-of-Prey, the only difference was the long neck that extended from the main body and a V-shaped head at the front of the vessel.

Wearing the standard uniform for a Romulan in the Star Navy, Kameetha pushed her short bobbed brown hair behind her left ear as she gazed further at her newest trophy.

Approaching her chair, which almost looked like a throne with the huge rounded headset on it, the admiral placed her hands gently on top. Before she could sit in it the doors to the lift opened and Commander Sirrel, her adjutant, stepped off. “Admiral,” He said with a slight bow of his head before approaching her with a data tablet in his hands. “The fleet is almost assembled.”

“Excellent.” She replied as she took the information off him and skim read over it. “Excellent.” She repeated herself before handing it back to Sirrel. “I am surprised at how quickly we were able to assemble such resources.”

“Well ma’am, ever since Admiral Valdore’s project of trying to capture htirrn vessels to use against one another has now come to an end, we are more able to go on the offensive.” Sirrel stated.

Agreeing with a slight ‘hmm’ noise, Kameetha carried on looking around the command deck of the R’Keth. “This is truly a marvellous vessel.”

“And others will be completed in several months to join her.” Sirrel remarked. “I have ordered for a bottle of kali-fal to be present in the senior officer’s celebration dinner tonight.”

“The thirty-nine, K’ri’Brax?” She checked about the date of the aromatic beverage she thoroughly enjoyed.

“What else?” He replied with.

“It will be one of many toasts and times we will be celebrating in the coming days, my old friend.” She replied back with the same grin she had on earlier. The two of them had known one another for a long time and after seeing an opportunity to promote her own agenda, thanks to Sirrel, she was able to convince her superiors that Valdore’s plan of trying to manipulate conflicts with local powers was not getting them anywhere sooner to their goal of controlling and conquering what was near to them. Valdore’s remaining fleet had been caught out by the sudden arrival of the hevam’s forces while the ​​Klivams and Krisvams were fighting one another. When it had appeared that the hevams had almost convinced the Klivams to concentrate their focus against the Rihannsu forces, Valdore’s influence with the Senate had significantly reduced.  Though the Klivams had not sided with the hevams and had decimated the Krisvams forces before conquering their homeworld, they had wiped out Valdore’s fleet in a blistering blow to the Rihannsu military. When  Kameetha had rallied support from key senators on the Continuing Committee as well as fellow commanders and admirals, she had not expected to receive such a full endorsement and one from the praetor himself.

Her plan was simple and she was taking a page out of the book that the Klingons followed. She would take a more aggressive approach against their enemies, one that they would not expect. She would attack each world and cause so much damage that would force them to surrender. She would bombard their planets with highly toxic thermonuclear based warheads. And her first target was a daring one and one she knew she had to succeed in dealing a cripple blow to the hevams.

She would launch an attack against Terrha.
