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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 1: Omega

USS Heracles: Echoes of the Tkon: Omega

Captain Vausees receives orders for their ship to report to an outbreak of Omega, take over from an older vessel monitoring the situation, and destroy the Omega.

Mission Description

Vausees and the Heracles are given orders to take out an outbreak of Omega particles that had been detected and monitored by a federation freighter. Can Captain Vausees keep her crew in the dark about what the true nature of their mission is? Will the crew respect her for the vagueness of this mission? Is Vausees ready to return to the chair after her last mission? Only time can tell if this mission will be the last or most important for the crew of the USS Heracles.

About the Mission

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10 August 2021

Promotions, Celebration, and Relationships

USS Heracles: Echoes of the Tkon: Omega

Stardate: 74428.94   Time: 2050 hours   Location: Alpha Quadrant – Deep Space Nine   USS Heracles   Vausees looked up from the now closed monitor to a woman dressed in a yellow tunic. She turned to her replicator and punched in her Command code. A trio of solid gold [...]

10 August 2021

Seek and Destroy

USS Heracles: Echoes of the Tkon: Omega

Stardate: 74428.17   Time: 1330 hours   Location: Gamma Quadrant – Hunter Sector   USS Heracles   Trever began a countdown from ten as he hovered his fingers over the holographic console warp controls that were in front of him. As soon as his countdown hit zero he slid his [...]

4 August 2021

Through the Looking Glass

USS Heracles: Echoes of the Tkon: Omega

Stardate: 74427.49 Time: 0700 hours Location: Alpha Quadrant  USS Heracles Vausees lay in her bed looking up at the bland, spartan-style ceiling of her cabin. She blinked a few times and tried to close her eyes as she rolled onto her side, fighting with her active mind to sleep and allow her some [...]

4 August 2021

UFP Freighter Torgus - Crisis

USS Heracles: Echoes of the Tkon: Omega

Stardate: 74427.49 Time: 0700 hours Location: Gamma Quadrant – two sectors past Hunter UFP Freighter Torgus   It had been nearly twenty-four hours since Fergouson had last made her check of the Omega molecules that had sent her world into complete and utter chaos. She had kept her crew, [...]