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Part of Bravo Fleet: The Archanis Campaign

SS Vondem Rose: Archanis Campaign – Vondem Thorn

When pirates go to war…

Mission Description

The crew of the Vondem Thorn, an older B’Rel class ship find themselves embroiled in the chaos of the D’Ghor assault on the Federation’s Archanis Sector. They fight initially to protect what’s theirs, but soon branch into vengeance for the innocent.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

23 July 2021

“Shall we go see if my dear father is pleased with my engagement?”

SS Vondem Rose: Archanis Campaign - Vondem Thorn

Vondem Rose Main Bridge “Santa Maria,” Gaeda muttered to himself as he stood with the collected crew of the Vondem Rose on the bridge, the viewscreen being used to show the results of the Battle of Haydorian. Losses on both sides of the fight populated the screen on either side, with the [...]

23 July 2021

“A space western? Space cowboys?”

SS Vondem Rose: Archanis Campaign - Vondem Thorn

Bloomfield General Hospital Ward 9, room 14 Stirring gently, T’Ael felt like shit. Thinking was hard, her thoughts coming slowly as she tried to figure out where she was and what had happened. Everything felt heavy, a chore to just move her head, or open her eyes. This wasn’t sickbay, was it? [...]

23 July 2021

Islay single malt Scotch whisky

SS Vondem Rose: Archanis Campaign - Vondem Thorn

Vondem Rose Main Bridge “Well, we seem to have got their attention,” Gaeda said from Ops, with what Sidda labelled as mirth in his voice. “We got four different sets of active sensors on us and our transponder has been interrogated…fifteen times now.” “Any automated traffic vectors [...]

23 July 2021

No lumbar support.

SS Vondem Rose: Archanis Campaign - Vondem Thorn

IKS Va’thu Main Bridge “I don’t get it…this ship should be in the regular military of the Empire, out oppressing some subject species, invading some pre-warp civilization, that sort of thing,” Lewis said from the helm station. The bridge of the ship Va’thu was roomier than [...]