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USS Endeavour: The Widening Gyre

A rescue mission into the old Romulan Neutral Zone turns personal when Endeavour ventures to the refugee hub of Teros, once home to one of their own...

Mission Description

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

– ‘The Second Coming,’ William Butler Yeats


It has been at least a month since the events of the Archanis Campaign, many of Endeavour’s crew taking shore leave to deal with their scars from the experience, physical and mental. But not all such wounds have been able to heal, Lieutenant Drake left troubled and embittered by his treatment at the hands of Captain Rourke, believing he has received less favour than other, more respectable officers. Other enmities are less apparent, but a mission to the Romulan Neutral Zone will test them to their limit – particularly for Lieutenant Saeihr Kharth, survivor of the Romulan diaspora, and with her own difficult relationship with Lieutenant Commander Airex.

About the Mission

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20 July 2021


USS Endeavour: The Widening Gyre

Almost overnight, the Sanctuary District A had grown a new neighbourhood on its southern periphery. Even though Thawn was now prone to squeaking and hiding at the sight of her, Kharth had to acknowledge Endeavour’s Chief of Operations was damned good at her job to deploy a relief centre on the [...]

20 July 2021

That Wretched Place

USS Endeavour: The Widening Gyre

T’Sann sat her down in the medical section of the lower deck when they returned to the King Arthur, and did a slightly worse job of helping clean and patch her up than she’d done for him the night before. Even though Vortiss had pulled his blows enough to make her nose bleed without breaking, [...]

17 July 2021

Heartache and Bloodshed

USS Endeavour: The Widening Gyre

Kharth had a head start on Airex, and a Romulan in plain clothes could move through the crowds of Sanctuary District Alpha with far more freedom than a pair of armed Starfleet officers. So she got to the square first and spotted Drake, his red shoulders making him stand out like a sore thumb, the [...]

17 July 2021

Better to Beg Forgiveness than Ask Permission

USS Endeavour: The Widening Gyre

When Kharth clambered up the ladder into the King Arthur’s briefing room the next morning, she found Airex and Beckett already in full swing. ‘This is an opportunity to change countless lives,’ the young ensign was insisting, hands on the display table, while Airex stood impassive, steaming [...]