Part of USS Gilroy: Under-Space and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

underspace captains log

Alpha Quadant
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Captains Log. Stardate: 24010614.

The day started like any old day performing a resupply run to a local planet. Out of nowhere we were ordered to check out some strange readings that were appearing all over the galaxy. 

The ship took one hell of a battering for the old ship that she is. Being pulled into that underspace like she was and bounced about like she did she held up very well. 

The crew worked well under the extreme conditions. There are a few that I’m going to be putting up for promotion for extreme work and dedication to getting us all home. 

The fellow crew members are who I’m putting up for promotion 

Ensign Pemberton – for her extreme thinking and dedication to Starfleet and the history of the USS Voyager if she was not such a history buff we would have never known about what took us to the Gamma Quadrant.

Lt Commander Sharpe – for her quick actions when it come to getting us home, taking things with her gut and having additional torpedos made.

Lt Jr grade Tior – for coming up with a plan to get us home that Lt commander Sharpe l. He’s getting the promotion for the excellent work he has done getting us home. 

Lt Jones Hill – for taking charge of the situation in rescuing the Klingons Romulans and humans from the planet. 

Apart from Lt Jr Tior and Ensign Pemberton who are going to be getting a promotion for their quick actions and dedication to the job.

I have attached to my log all the details from the interviews I performed with the Klingons Romulans and the Humans that we rescued from the planet we found them on. I felt sorry for the human survivors they were there the longest and survived extremely well considering there was not much on the planet. As I have detailed in my report I’m surprised anyone could survive on that planet with it being stuck between two solar systems and even more between two suns from what we worked out every 7 years.

The genius work that the young Lt jr grade Tior came up with getting us home was in my eyes extremely inventive and he will be a promising Chief engineer one day. Working out that using the deflector dish to send out a beam and then a second set of pulses to back up the first one was just a genius at work but to top it all up working out that would not be enough to penetrate the walls of the underspace and he would need to use some additional firepower in the form of torpedoes to give that last punch in the wall was just fantastic. But what also got me was that Lt Commander Sharpe also demised that what he was doing might not be enough as she had recently looked up everything the crew of Voyager had on the underspace corridors and concluded it might take more than he had already accounted for.

The Gilroy has performed perfectly and with taking a beating for travelling both ways through under space. And I will be sad to say goodbye to her when I move up to my new command and take my crew with me as the ship will be going in for repairs and ready for the next starting captain.

Computer attach all files from my files marked Conference Klingon, Conference Romulan and Conference Human along with my note called final Conference notes to this file and end log.