Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

A Goodbye (and a Welcome?)

Sickbay, USS Cupertino
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Nichelle would love to say that the chaos in sickbay had magically lessened with their escape from under space, but sadly that wasn’t how things worked. She couldn’t even remotely remember the last time she had slept, or sat down for that matter. But there was something important that needed to happen now, and it was one of those rare occasions in which the Chief Medical Officer could take a few moments to breathe – and say goodbye. 

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”, she asked one last time, despite knowing the answer. Doctor Duran shook her head. “I am sure. Cardassia is my home – and besides, you don’t heat your ships. It’s like living in a freezing unit.” 

Nichelle smirked. She had called the Cardassian ship too warm, and it was only fair Doctor Duran felt the exact opposite. And she also understood that the woman needed to return before the two ships parted ways for good. 

“I never thought of Cardassians as.. people.”, she admitted slowly. “So … thank you. It’s been a pleasure working with you.”

“I always thought of the Bajorans as people.”, said Duran. “And I am sorry the history we share is so difficult. I wish you all the best, Doctor.” 

She extended her palm in the Cardassian fashion, and Nichelle pressed her own against it. 

“Take care of yourself.”

“Always do.”

Nichelle blinked away a tear as the Cardassian turned around and left the CMO’s office. She couldn’t help wishing that they would meet again, but perhaps not while stuck in some subspace corridor and threatened by the countless of dangers that lingered there. She took a few moments to regain composure, and then she, too, left the office. 

And she noticed Lieutenant Vargas standing there, a little lost. 

“Catherine.”, she said, approaching the woman. 

“Hey.”, replied Vargas. “The.. other Cardassian. He died?”

It took Nichelle a moment to place the question. They had several Cardassians here, but none of them had succumbed to their injuries. That said… 

“You mean Zorkal?”, she asked, and Cat confirmed with a nod. “The report says he was injured severely.”

“Well… “, said Nichelle. “Reports can be wrong, you know? It’s chaos here, and Cardassians all look the same.”

Catherine’s eyes lit up. She was getting the hint. 


“Because sometimes medical care means prevention. And I have it on good authority that it’s preferable if he is… dead.”, said Nichelle vaguely. 

“Can I see him?”, asked Catherine, which had Nichelle raise an eyebrow. “Someone got a little crush, huh?”

Catherine tinged pink. “No, it’s not that. I… don’t know.” 

“You don’t have to know. It’s okay.”, reassured Nichelle and led her to a more secluded part of sickbay, where Neritalor Zorkal was very much alive, if unconscious. 

“What will happen to him now?”, asked Catherine. 

“I don’t know. He may decide to return to Cardassia. He may decide to remain here, if he is permitted to do so. It’s his decision.” 

And Nichelle was very much a friend of letting people decide for themselves. But everything was better than transferring him to the Cardassian ship and having him subjected to whatever waited for him there. “But there is something I need to talk to you about”

“What is it?”

“Doctor Duran told me that they input your DNA into their system and… apparently there was someone on Cardassia who was interested in meeting you.”

Catherine blinked. She didn’t know anything about her father, and very little about her mother. She had barely ever thought of the idea of having relatives somewhere. “That’s why they tried to keep me there?”

“Assumably so, yes.” 

“I don’t know how to feel about that.” 

“That’s okay too.”, smiled Nichelle. “I hear Seta is great to talk to. But you know my office is always open. Metaphorically speaking. I hate working with open doors.” 

Catherine smiled. “Thanks. I… guess I will stay here for a bit, if that’s okay?” 

“Do that.”, nodded Nichelle. “I will check in with my team and see off the Cardassians.”

“Right.”, sighed Catherine. There was a pause, and then she asked. “The Captain does know about.. this… right?”

Nichelle blinked and turned a little pale. 


“I mean… she was busy… I didn’t want to put more stress on her… yeah I should probably tell her now.” 

“… Yeah.”

And with that, Nichelle turned on her heels and very quickly made her way to inform Nassar. Catherine, in the meanwhile, looked at Zorkal. She wasn’t the type to develop a crush, but she had liked working and talking with him – and she wasn’t even mad about his reaction about her half-Cardassian heritage. It must have felt weird that she was so ashamed that she didn’t show it. 

“Sorry.”, she told him, even if he didn’t hear her. “I’ll explain when you wake up.”


  • That was kinda cute, how Vargass has a little crush on Zorkal. I do wonder how Zorkal is going to react to all of this? Like what can we expect of him in the future career and perhaps as part of Cup? Great character development, I truly enjoy the character bounding in this post!

    July 28, 2024