Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth


Saffyia's Personal Quarters, USS Cupertino
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With their involuntary adventure concluded, the Cupertino certainly was due for several repairs, and the crew due for a prolonged shore leave to sort through what happened and unwind. Saffiya herself was looking forward to some rest and relaxation. 

Hina tapped the buzzer to Saffiya’s quarters, waiting for permission to enter. WIth their crazy adventure over, she had switched out of the red uniform she had been thrust into, settling back into her much more comfortable gold one.

The chime announced her last visitor for the day, and with it the arrival of Hina. 

“Come in.”, Saffiya said, getting up from her comfy position to greet her friend.

“Hey, Saffy.” she said, smiling. “How are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m doing okay, all things considered. How are you holding up?”, Saffiya asked gently, motioning for Hina to sit.

Hina took a seat across from Saffiya, sitting back.

“Ive been better… this was not what I signed up for when you called me…” she commented, with a smile.

“It certainly is not. But thank you. I was lucky to have you there with me.” , Saffiya admitted.

“But I’ll be ok.” she said. She set a PADD on the desk.

“Final reports… BLADE is essentially hibernating until it can be repaired. Ship has seen better days, but you have a good engineering department so I don’t think you’ll have too much trouble getting back to 100%.” she said.

“We are on our way for the more pressing repairs. And shore leave. So that won’t be an issue.”, the Captain reassured. “And… ”, she paused for a moment. “… these will be my last few days on the Cupertino. I received word that Captain Jurev has been located, involuntarily en-route to Risa. He will be returning to his ship.” 

“Oh Saf, Im sorry…” she said frowning. Saffy had only just gained the trust of the Cupertino’s crew. Well most of them anyway.

“It’s fine. I will have a few weeks of free time and get transferred elsewhere.”, Saffiya said, but she was… sad. She had taken a liking to the ship and the crew.

“Sounds like we’ll both be in the same boat then, huh?” she asked.

“What about you come with me?”, she asked eventually. She didn’t know where she would be going, but having a friend with her made it a whole lot less daunting.

Hina put on a thoughtful look.

“Well I dont know Saffy…” she said. “You wont make me XO again, will you?” she asked, laughing.

“Oh no. I’ve learned my lesson, and I will at the very least ask you beforehand. I can’t promise you Chief Engineer either, but I will absolutely make sure you get to do the things you love to do – and as little paperwork as possible.”

Hina nodded.

“Then sure, I guess I can come with you on your next adventure.” she agreed.

Saffiya smiled. That’s what she had been hoping for.

“Let’s just try to avoid any more holes in space, hmm?” she asked with a smile.

“You know how it is.”, she grinned. “If there is an aperture, what can you do, right?”

She walked over to a cupboard, took out a bottle of something that looked Terran, and expensive, and two glasses. 

“But for now… I think I’d like to celebrate the conclusion of my first mission as Captain.” 


  • Ohhh nooo why would you do this :O I was just getting used to both of them and now you are yeeting them out. I mean it is understandable that they have to go with the Captain found and such. But it is good to see themm relax after such a hectic and crazy mission. Wonderful job, I hope I see the two more in the future!

    July 28, 2024