USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

When a crime is discovered aboard the pleasure cruiser SS Christie, the crew of Pioneer must race to find the culprit on a ship where everyone is a suspect.

Mission Description

Following repairs at DS19 whilst they delivered prisoneers from their recent encounter at Valkoran base, Pioneer is once again setting out en route to the Talvath Cluster, intent on beginning their mission of exploration.

When Starfleet calls with an urgent re-assignment our crew finds themselves instead heading to the uninhabited system of Agrima, deep in the stretch of uncolonized space on the Federation’s northern border. There, the pleasure cruiser SS Christie awaits them a mystery locked away in its lower decks, a bloody mystery.

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About the Mission

In Progress
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Start Date

5 August 2024

Robots in Disguise (pt. 3)

USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

Previously on USS Pioneer Our away team boarded the converted cruise ship SS Christie to investigate the murder of a passenger. After some investigation, it quickly became apparent that the victim was some sort of undercover operator for an unknown polity. They discover a Reman subspace beacon, as [...]

5 August 2024

I Hope The Box Isn't Important (pt. 2)

USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

Previously on the USS Pioneer Our away team have been assigned to investigate a murder aboard the Oridian Express (AKA the SS Christie). Though their arrival was initially met with chilly reluctance they have begun to delve into this mystery, discovering that few aboard the ship are what they [...]

20 June 2024

Surprises in the Helix (pt.1)

USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

XO’s Log: Pioneer has been diverted once again. Following our recent under cover operation to Valkoran Base we have spent several days at DS19 transferring prisoners and supplies. We had only just left the station when we received a distress call from the passenger liner SS Christie in orbit of [...]

3 June 2024

One Too Many Glasses (Prologue)

USS Pioneer: Murder on the Oridian Express

Alliana clutched her champagne flute tightly between her slender fingers, acutely aware the delicate crystal neck could snap at any moment and make her embarrassing situation all the worse. Taking a deep breath and flashing her most convincing smile to a passing Andorian server, who responded with [...]