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USS Pioneer: Monkeys, Fungus and Neanderthals Oh My!

Our newest crew members take a runabout on a mission to assist the research outpost at Zendar 2. One ion storm later and the team are left with a crashed runabout and some difficault decisions.

Mission Description

The science lab on Zercan 2 has requested assistance with a faulty comm relay. Our intrepid adventurers are dispatched about Pioneer’s only runabout, Errikson, to provide assistance. A nice, simple milk run mission, they never go wrong.


About the Mission

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Start Date

1 March 2024

Naturally the console is damaged (pt. 2)

USS Pioneer: Monkeys, Fungus and Neanderthals Oh My!

Previously on USS Pioneer Our adventurers crash-landed on Zercan 2 whilst heading out on a simple mission to repair a faulty comms relay, quick work from both Charlie and Katsu managed to limit injuries though the runabout is lost.  After being attacked by primitive beings wearing scraps of [...]

21 February 2024

Everythings going to be fine Ensign (pt. 1)

USS Pioneer: Monkeys, Fungus and Neanderthals Oh My!

First Officers Log, USS Pioneer It’s been barely 2 days since we departed Deep Space 17 for the Talvath cluster, where we begin our new deep space research mission but we’ve already had our first divergence from the schedule. This morning a text only message came in from a research colony on [...]