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Since our last report, we’ve faced off against smugglers, pirates, and the many hidden threats lurking within the Federation’s underbelly. Our...
Greetings Bravo Fleet! Just a quick announcement from the Office of the Chief of Staff to update you all on a few things. OCS Policy Bravo...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Roleplaying Games
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Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Engineering Office Report #8 – v3.5 Release
With the next Fleet Action quickly approaching, the Engineering Office is pleased to announce the release of BFMS v3.5. This release adds several new things for you to spend your hard-earned prestige on, namely portrait frames and additional flag officer slots, as well as some additions to the competition system that will support the slate […]
Engineering Office
James Neidlinger
Engineering Office Report #7 – v3.4 Release (Command Units, Competitions, and More)
The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce the launch of BFMS v3.4, which brings a complete overhaul to squadrons and divisions, a range of enhancements to competitions, numerous quality of life improvements, and significant infrastructure improvements. […]
Engineering Office Report #6 – v3.3 Release
As our core activities continue to evolve, so too must our systems that support them. In our last release of BFMS, we introduced cross-command and squadron missions to continue to push the envelope with writing, and today, we are proud to now do the same for gaming! In the release that just went live a […]
Engineering Office Report #5 – v3.2 Release
In BFMS v3.0, we created new frontend panels for all member-facing systems and optimized BFMS’s performance and scalability. We followed this in BFMS v3.1 with the introduction of prestige and the fleet assets system. Now, sticking to our 2024 roadmap, we have turned our attention to several of our core systems, and today, I’m pleased […]
Engineering Office Report #4 – v3.1.0 Release (Fleet Assets) and Deputy Engineering Officer
In the first quarter of 2024, the Engineering Office delivered three BFMS releases focused on quality-of-life improvements for existing systems, but today, I am proud to announce the release of BFMS v3.1, which introduces Fleet Assets, a completely new system within Bravo Fleet! Based on an idea borne over a decade ago, and built around […]
Engineering Office Report #3 – v3.0.1 Release
A couple months ago, BFMS v3.0.0 went live, streamlining the member experience around Intelligence and Security functions such as Commands, Characters and Gaming Submissions. I am pleased to announce that BFMS 3.0.1 just went live a few minutes ago, finishing that transformation and replacing all remaining backend member functions with a new frontend experience, including […]
Engineering Office Report #2 – v3.0.0 Release and BFMS Roadmap
In my last report, I shared key objectives and a high level roadmap for the Bravo Fleet Engineering Office in 2024. Today, I am pleased to begin delivering on these with the release of BFMS v3.0.0. This release, which just went live today, included over 12,000 lines of new code and marks the first in […]
Engineering Office Report #1 – A Vision for the Future
Although the Engineering Office is filled mostly with unapproachable technobabble, as I step into the role of Bravo Fleet Engineering Officer, I wanted to take a few minutes to pull back the curtains on plans for Bravo Fleet Engineering going forward. At the simplest level, the Engineering Office is responsible for managing Bravo Fleet’s software […]
New Deputy Engineering Officer
I’m pleased to announce a new addition to the Engineering Office! Deckard Wright, one of Bravo Fleet’s former Internet Officers, is rejoining the team as the Deputy Engineering Officer! Vince spoke about the work the Engineering Office will take on in the coming year, and we do indeed have big things planned for the future […]
Ezel Virem
New BFMS Dashboard!
Over the past few years, Bravo Fleet has expanded to offer a plethora of activities and achievements for our members. We have an integrated writing system, competitions, and a comprehensive ranking and awards system that play an important part in our members’ experiences in the fleet. Previously, all of these tasks existed on separate pages […]
Story Subscriptions on the BFMS + Lore Reminder
Olá, todos! I’m here to announce another new feature of the BFMS that has been requested for some time: you now have the ability to customize which commands’ stories appear on your dashboard. All stories will continue to appear in the feed on Discord and on the Fiction Writing page on the BFMS, but with […]
Engineering OfficeIntelligence Office
Liam Dahlgren
Credit for Images
Hi, all you cats and kittens! Thanks to the excellent work of Emily, we now have a way of including image credits directly in our system which will be visible on character images, like so: If you haven’t reviewed the graphics policy recently, you should know that it’s required that you only post images that you […]