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The galaxy is changed, we see it in the pulsars, we feel it in the solar winds, we taste it in the blood wine at B’Aar. Since our last report...
Hello Bravo Fleet! Your Friendly Neighborhood Operations Officer here with a quick update! So far, we've received five applications—which is...
Fiction Writing
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Roleplaying Games
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Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
Task Force 86: July Report
“The Hunted” “Ma’am, we’re venting drive plasma!” Lieutenant Chaucer reported, “Warp coil banks alpha, beta and theta in the starboard nacelle are fused.” The Operations Management Officer coughed, the smoke tasting bilious and metallic. In his ears, he could hear the sound of fire extinguishers rushing to put out the flames of what was formerly […]
Winners of the Design a Klingon House Emblem
I would like to thank all of the competitors who entered the Design a Klingon House Emblem competition! You all have done Bravo Fleet proud. There is some real talent in our fleet! There were several entries- each was graded on the same rubric of having an authentic Klingon feel, creativity of the piece, skill […]
Office of the Chief of StaffTask Force 86
Design a Klingon House Emblem Competition!
Check out Bravo Fleet's brand new competition, Design a Klingon House Emblem!
Task Force 86: June Report
“The Breakthrough” “Admiral on the Bridge!” The old Trill pushed from the turbolift and tugged on the dark gray and black of his tunic. He didn’t have time to adjust the wrap of red at his neck. Rear Admiral Arjaal Taam’s arms went behind his back as, with a glance backward to a scrawny Acamarian […]
Task Force 64 Welcomes Our New XO!
Good Morning TF64ers! I am pleased to announce MJ as our new Task Force Executive Officer! MJ runs the Endeavour, NX-Class, and he manages the Challenger in our Task Force’s NX-Division. MJ is full of some good ideas that we are working together on to hopefully make a reality not just for us, but possibly […]
Task Force 64