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Winners of the Design a Klingon House Emblem

July 25, 2020

I would like to thank all of the competitors who entered the Design a Klingon House Emblem competition! You all have done Bravo Fleet proud. There is some real talent in our fleet! There were several entries- each was graded on the same rubric of having an authentic Klingon feel, creativity of the piece, skill of the artist, and the originality of the content.

I am pleased to announce our winners!

  • First Place goes to Lady Blue for her crest of the House of K’Var!
  • Second Place goes to MJ for his crest of the House of Harrik!
  • Third Place goes to Christopher for his crest for his Klingon character Koloth, of the House of Qu’Vak!

    Thanks again to all of you for making this a successful competition!


    Rear Admiral Arjaal Taam
    Task Force 86 Commanding Officer