Task Force 47 Report #1

September 7, 2024

Good Morning, Bravo Fleet!

I’m excited to write my first operations report as TFCO and what a wonderful plethora of things I have to tell you about! I’d first like to extend our thanks as a whole Task Force to the wonderful McGig for his leadership these last nine months. It has been a pleasure to have you with us, and we wish you luck in your new role as Bravo Fleet Science Officer. (We’ll be sure to follow the style guidelines, we promise). I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank MJ for all his support over the last year and wish him luck in his move to the Logistics Office. I’m looking forward to working with all our members and our new Operations Officer, AzrasD, to take the next exciting step on Task Force 47’s journey. I’m also exceedingly happy to welcome our new XO to the 47 family. Joining us from Task Force 93, Cole Shepard comes to us with a strong writing history and I look forward to seeing what adventures we can all go on together.

On that train of thought, I’m glad to announce the latest additions to Task Force 47’s list of assets! Along with our sibling task forces and the amazingly creative mind of Cath and the Intelligence Office, we’ve been working hard to create new NPC assets for our members to use, and I’m very excited to say that the following assets are now available for members to use as part of Task Force 47.

  • USS Nye, a Nova Class surveyor whose Captain has a penchant for going adventuring.
  • USS Taniwha – an Akira Class cruiser,  who is building bridges, figuratively and literally.
  • USS Bell Rock, a Norway Class cruiser, hosts a team from the Diplomatic Corps.
  • USS Durandal, a Saber Class scout, most often found chasing pirates and ne’er-do-wells.
  • K-74, a classic K-type space-station that now finds itself on a dangerous Klingon border.

Task Force assets aim to give you, our amazing members, toys and tools to utilise in your adventures, if you have a great idea for an asset why not shout in the 47’s discord lounge and let us know!

Fiction Updates

  • Helios Heavy Cruiser Division
    • USS Helios – Whilst supporting the SCE in the Badlands, Helios was drawn into the Underspace network that affected large portions of the galaxy. Transported thousands of lightyears to the distant edge of the Beta Quadrant, Helios found themselves racing against time to return to the Underspace network while also attempting to get to the bottom of a suspiciously friendly, remote Kazon colony. Against the odds, Helios returned to Federation space battered, bruised, and beaten.
    • USS Daedalus – Returning to service with Task Force 47 after a brief respite, Daedalus has been dispatched to support USS Nye in the Remora system, where an unusual terraforming platform has been discovered, covering a desert planet with rain-filled storm clouds. No one is taking responsibility, but everyone is interested.
  • Eos Frontier Division
    • Eos Station – A mysterious virus struck Eos Station, putting everyone aboard at risk. When new evidence comes to light, Captain Mitchell must consider that this wasn’t an accident. The crew of Eos Station find themselves in a race against time to save lives and possibly Starfleet itself. When the Underspace event threw known space into chaos, Eos station found itself playing host to a multitude of unwilling visitors when local traffic was grounded. Unfortunately, one of the ships missing in action is Eos’ own runabout Tyson, disappearing with four crewmen aboard.
    • USS Edison – An integral part of Eos station’s mobile assets, Edison found itself providing vital support to the station during its medical crisis and the emergence of the Underspace Labyrinth. Dispatched to hunt for the missing runabout, Edison found that underspace holds more dangers than they expected.
  • USS Cardiff – While passing through a notoriously empty area of space, Cardiff was caught by surprise when a gravimetric anomaly disgorged interstellar fauna in the form of energy-consuming ‘space slugs.’ When a trio of Sikkaran ships quickly followed, Cardiff was caught in an awkward standoff.
  • USS Oakland – No sooner had Oakland finished their first outing than Starfleet Command was already assigning them to investigate the disappearance of RV Rain Runner at the edge of the Rolor Nebula. Arriving to find unusual sensor readings, pirates become the number one suspect in the research ship’s mysterious disappearance.
  • USS Healdsburg – Taking its first adventure with Task Force 47, Healdsburg (aka ‘the H’) set out ready for adventure. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before an accident revealed the possibility of a saboteur and Commander Morris had to begin an investigation of the newly assembled crew.




The last few months have been a busy adventure for us all, especially with the recent Fleet Action; whether it was discovering Kazon colonies or racing against time to combat unknown viruses, TF47 has been at the forefront, discovering new ways to adventure into the galaxy. I look forward to the next three months and am excited to see what journeys our members will undertake, especially in our new frontier on the Klingon border. So, whether it’s toasting with blood wine or dodging surprise anomalies, 47 always finds a way.