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USS Helios (NCC-63284)

Operating out of Deep Space 47, Helios is dispatched to a variety of Pathfinding missions. Currently they are assigned the difficult mission of navigating the Thomar Expanse; whether it's territorial disputes, stellar phenomena or scurvy pirates, Helios always seeks to 'Lights the Way'.

USS Helios

Akira-class • NCC-63284 • Task Force 47

“The test of any man is in action.”Pindar

The new home of many crewmembers from USS Daedalus, Helios has been assigned to the never-ending work of exploring and securing the frontiers of Federation space. Operating primarily in the Thomar Expanse, working alongside representatives of the Cardassian Union they are working to find peace and prosperity in a region where the distrust of all sides runs deep.

Content & stories on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy.

Content & Swearing, Violence, and Sexual References may be present. It is intended for audiences 13+.

RPG Rating 222

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26 July 2024

Record the Road (pt. 15)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

“Captain’s log, USS Helios, Stardate 78790. I am lucky to be able to record this entry, Helios was almost lost to us and it was only through the dedicated work of our crew that she found her way home to the Alpha quadrant. In the interests of clarity, I will be including extracts from the [...]

25 July 2024

Help From The Beyond (pt.14)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

Oyvo grabbed at the edges of her console, the long curving shape bracing her into her seat as the world shook once gain. Next to her Eyma’s slender green hands punched in sensor variables furiously, the helmsman doing double time supporting the science team, her normal duties on hold whilst the [...]

25 July 2024

Equip Yourself With Knowledge (pt 13.2)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

Helena’s hands were still cold. Even though she offered them as close as she dared to the roaring fire in her grandfather’s hearth, the chill still ran deep to her bones, it seemed she might never dispel this cold. “You were silly to go exploring at night, especially at this time of the [...]

23 July 2024

Golden Bricks and Red Tips (pt 13.1)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

“Coming round to bearing 319, mark…” A deep thud resonated through the deck like a knell as a sizable piece of debris impacted on the leading edge of the port nacelle and ricocheted off into the debris field, the momentum swinging Helios’ fore-heavy form. “Correction, 252 mark 53.” [...]