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Eos Station

Watchtower-class • DS-108 • Task Force 47


“I had my choice of any job in the fleet. I didn’t want some cushy job …I wanted this. The farthest reaches of the galaxy. One of the most remote outposts available. This is where the adventure is. This is where heroes are made. Right here… in the wilderness.”
~ Julian Bashir, 2369 (“Emissary”)

Commissioned in the year 2293, shortly before the signing of the Khitomer Accords, the Watchtower-class Eos Station was a military outpost along the Romulan Neutral Zone. Charged with gathering intel on the Romulans, defense of the Federation borders, and keeping tabs on our Romulan neighbors, Eos Station was the best of the best. Equipped with all the latest technology of the day, Eos Station was a shining beacon for the Federation.

Following the Tomed Incident in 2311, the Romulan Star Empire entered a prolonged period of total isolation. In that time, politics changed, people changed, and the Federation’s needs changed. Once a part of the old guard, Eos was relegated to an overequipped, unimportant outpost along a border of the Federation that seemingly no longer mattered. Over the following decades, Eos fell into disrepair due to her low-priority status.

2400 was the year that changed everything for Eos Station as the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire of Rator and the de facto Romulan civil war changed the landscape once again. Eos Station, once inactive, has been revived to play a critical role in safeguarding the Federation’s borders. Positioned opposite the Romulan Free State, she serves as a warning to the independent Romulan factions, all vying for control.

With T’Met and Freecloud as your neighbors, what could possibly go wrong?

RPG Rating 2 2 2

The stories and content for Eos Station are rated 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale.
Swearing, violence, and mild sexual content may be present.
It is intended for all audiences ages 16+.

Eos Station Division

The Eos Station Division operates within the Alpha Doradus system, specifically at Eos Station (DS108), a Watchtower Class Station. The division is supported by the USS Edison, an Edison-Class starship assigned to border patrol duties. The primary mission of the Eos Station Division is to ensure border safety and provide patrol services, particularly near Freecloud and close to T’Met. The year 2400 marked a significant turning point for sector due to the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire of Rator and the ensuing Romulan civil war, which led to a revitalization of the station’s strategic importance. Eos Station Division now plays a crucial role in safeguarding the borders of the Federation against threats from the Romulan Free State and various independent Romulan factions.

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26 July 2024

Crossroads of Chaos

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

Elena had a replicated coffee in one hand and a PADD in the other. Looking out the window at the stars, she sighed.  “Captain’s log, supplemental,” she began. “The situation on Eos Station has escalated beyond our initial assessments. We started the month neck-deep in a series of [...]

19 July 2024

The Space Between Us

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

The meeting in the conference room of Eos Station was a scene of intense tension and thinly veiled loathing. Captain Elena Mitchell, dressed in her formal Starfleet uniform, stood at the head of the table. Her eyes drifted across the room, taking in the faces of the critical figures gathered: [...]

17 July 2024

Shattered Silence

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

The station shook violently, throwing Elena and Harris from their chairs as they ate lunch. The lights flashed briefly as a low rumble echoed through the station. Without warning, alarms blared, and the emergency klaxons signaled. Something catastrophic had taken place. Both Officers exchanged [...]

11 July 2024

Tactical Diplomacy

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

The main docking bay of Eos Station hummed with the usual activity of officers and crew members going about their duties. The general feeling, however, hinted at something far from normal duties. Captain Mitchell stood at the center of the bay, with Commander Harris at her side. Together, they were [...]