Engineering Office Report #8 – v3.5 Release

March 14, 2025

With the next Fleet Action quickly approaching, the Engineering Office is pleased to announce the release of BFMS v3.5. This release adds several new things for you to spend your hard-earned prestige on, namely portrait frames and additional flag officer slots, as well as some additions to the competition system that will support the slate of competitions coming with our upcoming Fleet Action. In addition to these headline features, this release also includes improvements to the member and progression systems and some backend tooling.

As it relates to portrait frames, keep your eyes out for an update from Fleet Admiral Luke Duncan when the first batch of portrait frames roll out of the Logistics Office shortly and become available for purchase!

Patch Notes


  1. A new Wiki Article competition type has been added that allows one to submit an article directly from the Bravo Fleet wiki.
  2. The Ribbon Race competition type has been updated to allow restricting a race to a single specific game.
  3. Support for multiple first/second/third place winners has been added to competition placements in the case of a tie.
  4. The competition winner selection screen now requires a justification to be provided when a competition entry is disqualified.
  5. Completed competitions that allow you to view the submissions have been refined to provide a better viewing experience for larger submissions.

Portrait Frames

  1. Support has been added for portrait frames that will wrap your primary character’s image in all places where their portrait is shown.
  2. Portrait frames can be purchased through the Fleet Marketplace (pending the release of portrait frames by the Logistics Office).
  3. Portrait frames that have been earned or purchased can be set in your Member Profile.
  4. Administrative tools have been added for the Bravo Fleet Logistics Officer to manage portrait frames offerings.

Character Ranks and Flag Officer Slots

  1. If a member holds a flag-level fleet rank, they can now assign comparable ranks to their characters via BFMS without needing to contact the Intelligence Office.
  2. By default, each member holding a flag-level fleet rank may assign one character each flag rank up to and including their own fleet rank.
  3. Via the Marketplace, members holding a flag-level fleet rank may now use prestige to purchase additional flag officer slots if they wish to have additional character(s) holding a flag rank up to and including their own fleet rank. These slots are specific to a specific grade, so a Rear Admiral slot cannot be used for a Commodore.
  4. Retired characters, characters holding a BFC-level staff position, and flag officers on sandbox RPGs owned by staff members do not count against a member’s flag officer slots.
  5. Rank options on the character edit panel have been reduced to only the 2400s-era Starfleet ranks and the civilian rank. To request the assignment of a rank from another era, another timeline, or an alien power is justified, contact the Intelligence Office.

Other Improvements

  1. Refund price on commands been updated to be 75% of the original price.
  2. Profile management has been updated to fit with our latest frontend panels design.
  3. Award and promotion nomination screens has been updated to fit with our latest frontend panels design.
  4. Setup and preparations have been put in place for improving the tracking of completed bios and awarded academy badges. This process will allow us to refine and streamline our Cadet and Junior Officer promotion track.
  5. OCS administration tools for nomination review have been updated and modernized.
  6. Recommended dimensions for character photos have now been included on the upload screen.
  7. Gaming activity submissions no longer allow selection of a future date.
  8. Reminders of the Creative Integrity Policy have been added to several submission screens.
  9. New backend reporting tools have been added for fleet administration.