Members of Bravo Fleet! It is with mixed emotions that I announce several changes to the Bravo Fleet Admiralty. Unfortunately, there comes a time when members of the Admiralty can no longer serve as leaders of our organization. A few days ago, Reece, our Internet Officer, and Kyle, Task Force 86’s Commanding Officer, tendered their resignations.
I am also sad to announce that Tia is stepping down as Loremaster. Due to time constrains, she is scaling back her responsibilities to focus on real life. She is remaining on our staff, and you’ll see an announcement on that in the next few days!
Lore Office
A unified canon, covering all of our activities and writing, is a defining trait of Bravo Fleet. The Lore Office is responsible for coordinating canon across our Task Forces toward a larger fleet-wide story. The office maintains our ship and technology specifications, they define relationships between various species and powers, they keep a timeline of events to help guide our stories, and so much more.
The Lore Office requires a leader with a vast knowledge of the Star Trek universe, a dedicated writer who can produce informative and meaningful content, and, most importantly, someone who can make our fleet’s story accessible to all of our members. I am happy to announce that the Admiralty has selected Cath as our next Loremaster. While serving as Bravo Fleet’s Chief of Staff, Cath has built a strong relationship with each of our Task Forces. Cath also brings years of experience developing canon while serving as Commanding Officer of Task Forces 47, 58, and 72.
Office of the Chief of Staff
The Bravo Fleet Chief of Staff has the important task of overseeing our roster, managing our awards, and administering our competitions. At times, it is a thankless job that requires a great deal of skill, patience, and the vision to launch future activities for our membership. There are very few people in the fleet qualified to perform these duties, and I’m happy to say that Kevin’s skill and experience makes him a perfect fit.
Kevin has been at Cath’s side for months, assisting in every facet of the Chief of Staff’s duties. He brings experience as a former BFXO, TFCO, and even a former Chief of Staff (when the position carried different duties). I am confident that Kevin will make a great addition to our team as the next Chief of Staff, and I’m excited to see the ideas he’ll bring to the table!
Internet Office
With Reece’s departure from the Internet Office, I will be taking over the day-to-day operations of our online infrastructure. We have several projects in the works, so keep an eye out for more information and recruitment ads for our various teams and departments!