[TLF Phase 2]: The Old Enemy


The campaign against the Lost Fleet is in full swing. Enemies that have not come face to face in a quarter century clash in the stars, in orbit, on the ground. Whether your ship is on the front lines of battle, scouting on the outskirts, or providing support to those who fight, your involvement in this confrontation is inevitable.

The theme of this writing competition is ‘Violence.’ This is a deliberately open prompt and does not have to include the direct depiction of violence itself. But violence is all around in this campaign. How does your crew engage with it? How do they deal with facing it head-on, or the after-effects of a planet ravaged by war, or coming to the aid of another ship devastated by the enemy? Even being detached from violence in such a violent time, such as by learning about it second-hand, takes its toll. Rather than focus on how well a fight scene can be written, this competition is focused on the emotional, physical, and psychological burdens that violence inflicts upon characters.


  • Your story should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words in length (Google Docs, not BFMS, will be used to determine word count)
  • The entry should be written in your Command’s Mission attached to the Lost Fleet Fleet-Wide Mission, and linked to in the submission. While we allow and encourage you to choose a Story from your ongoing Fleet Action fiction, only the single submitted Story will be graded and judged.
  • The Story must have been posted during the competition duration.
  • Stories from Starbase Bravo are not eligible for this competition.
  • Submitted Stories must have a single author.
  • Stories will be graded in accordance with the Bravo Fleet Fiction Rubric, which marks on the following criteria: Language, Style, & Mechanics; Adherence to Canon; Perspective; Characterization; Originality; Use of the Prompt.



User ID Content Date Entry
Edwin Wagner 2468


2023-06-03 05:23:18
Noli Auru 18

Kai1701E BFMSID:18 Entry: https://bravofleet.com/story/80998

2023-06-02 20:24:06
Andreus Kohl 2374


2023-06-01 15:57:04
Kristina Tyelin 2622


2023-05-31 23:05:19
Theo Barrington 2080

Entry for The Old Enemy: https://bravofleet.com/story/80530

2023-05-29 21:48:27
Thelor ch'Idrani 2109


2023-05-29 19:06:48
James MacLeod 653

BFMS ID: 653
Submission Story URL: https://bravofleet.com/story/80503

All characters were developed and written by me.

2023-05-28 15:01:31
Azras Dex 10


2023-05-28 14:06:34
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121


2023-05-27 11:02:04
Aoife McKenzie 2231

Valhalla Squadron skirmishes with the Dominion at Arkan II



2023-05-27 05:45:08
James Neidlinger 1

When The Skies Became Fire (Part 2)

2023-05-27 03:43:08
Aryanna Rigras 2486

24 may 2023

2023-05-24 19:36:33

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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