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USS Luna (NCC-80101)

Continuing the goals of the USS Seattle, the USS Luna will patrol and help explore in Task Force 86.

USS Luna

Luna-class • NCC-80101 • Task Force 86

Under the command of Captain Adriana Cruz the USS Luna explores the unknown space beyond the borders of the Federation and collects information about potential threats and criminal groups.

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2199
First Officer
ID: 2199
Chief Counsellor; 2XO
ID: 2199
Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 2199
ID: 2199
ID: 2199
Warp Coil Specialist
ID: 2199
Chief Science Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Science Officer
ID: 2199
Science Officer
ID: 2199
Chief Staller Cartographer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Stellar Cartographer
ID: 2199
ID: 2199
Science Specialist
ID: 2199
Astrometrics Officer
ID: 2199
Science Specialist
ID: 2199
Chief Diplomatic Officer
ID: 2199
Chief Security Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Security Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
ID: 2199
Security Officer
ID: 2199
Security Officer
ID: 2199
Hazard Team Leader
ID: 2199
Chief Intelligence Officer
ID: 2199
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
ID: 2199
Chief Operations Officer
ID: 2199
Transporter Chief
ID: 2199
Operations Crewmember
ID: 2199
Chief Flight Control Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
ID: 2199
ID: 2199
Chief Communications Officer
ID: 2199
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
ID: 2199
Emergency Medical Hologram
ID: 2199
ID: 2199
ID: 2199
Assistant Chief Counsellor
ID: 2199
Captain of the USS Hippocrates
ID: 2199

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