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USS Paramount

California-class • NCC-75570 • Task Force 17

When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” — Carol Burnett

The USS Paramount (NCC-75570) is a California-class utility cruiser assigned to Task Force 17 under the command of Commander Nitus. Commissioned into service in late 2381, Paramount serves as a deep space resupply ship and a humanitarian aid ship that provides assistance to colonies and ships on the frontiers of Federation space.

Built on a tried and true frame, Paramount features all the late technical innovations. Being well equipped for any mission she may go on. With a renewed willingness to go see what’s just past the map edge – these are the voyages of the starship Paramount


The stories of the Paramount and her crew are rated:

RPG Rating 2 2 2

This is roughly equivalent to 16+

Crew Manifest

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11 July 2024

Act Four: Who?

USS Paramount: Episode 4 | Heated Negotiations

T’Soni walked down the corridor each step she made with precision as she inched closer to her destination. As she reached the science lab the doors opened and she stepped inside. As she crossed the doorway she immediately scanned the room for who she had just spoken with in a hallway. Soli looked [...]

9 July 2024

Act Three: Hidden Base

USS Paramount: Episode 4 | Heated Negotiations

“Thank you both,” Nitus said as the two officers clad in teal walked out of the ready room. Laura and Soli had just informed her that they were a hundred percent certain that had brought them here. But they are uncertain if it will be able to take them back.Soli suggested we return to where the [...]

5 July 2024

Act Two: Discovery

USS Paramount: Episode 4 | Heated Negotiations

Nitus found herself wandering through the capital city of Solara, the skyline reminded her of San Francisco. She then heard someone call out to her as she turned to see who it was her surroundings shifted and distorted as if in a haze. The sounds of war reverberated through the air, an [...]

5 July 2024

Act One: Captain's Log

USS Paramount: Episode 4 | Heated Negotiations

Captain's Log, Stardate 2401.9It's been nearly two days since we last had contact with Starfleet. Whatever happened that brought us her couldn't have been an isolated incident. Despite that the crew have shown a snse of determination and commitment during this time away. Many of them are exited [...]