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USS Mogrus (Archive)


Like other Raven-class starships, the Mogrus is a variation of the older Aerie-class design.


The Raven-class deck layout.
(Drawn by Owen E. Oulton)

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20 July 2022

This New Fragile Ground

USS Mogrus: Ih'shikaen Mnhaeu (A Family Bargain)

To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go .– From In Blackwater Woods by Mary Oliver The coup succeeded, in the end. Muninn mused on [...]

19 July 2022

Heroism at Any Cost

USS Mogrus: Ih'shikaen Mnhaeu (A Family Bargain)

The lights in the medical bay flickered just as Muninn finished running the dermal regenerator over Asenth’s wound. A nasty blow, but ultimately superficial. Asenth blinked up from where she sat on the edge of the biobed at the momentary darkness and gripped Muninn’s arm. Muninn held the girl [...]

10 July 2022

The Calm Before the Plunge P2: Freefall

USS Mogrus: Ih'shikaen Mnhaeu (A Family Bargain)

Muninn walked alongside the rest of the Mogrus’ crew at a fast clip, flanked by Janas and three Remans loyal to the coup. The path to the nearest transporter room was a winding one that took them through some of the more populated corridors, and curious gazes twinkled out at the trio of humans as [...]

5 July 2022

The Calm Before the Plunge (Part 1)

USS Mogrus: Ih'shikaen Mnhaeu (A Family Bargain)

“What… what’s happened?” Munin managed to ask.It was Janas who answered, rounding on her. “Your ship,” he said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Your ship appears to have launched a distress beacon, despite there being not a single member of your crew left on board.” “Would [...]