Launched in 2369, the USS Galileo was designed as a versatile, multi-role vessel, able to handle a variety of missions. Its adaptability made it an invaluable asset in border patrols, convoy escorts, and humanitarian efforts during its early service. However, as the years passed, the Galileo’s systems began to age, and it was reassigned to secondary duties, where its flexibility continued to shine by taking on missions that more specialized ships could not handle.
By the early 2390s, the Galileo had become an older vessel. She was reliable but less glamorous than some of the modern designs. Despite its age, the Galileo was reassigned to the Eos Frontier Squadron in 2402, proving once again that older ships can still meet the challenges of an ever-changing frontier.
The stories and content for Eos Squadron are rated 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale.
Swearing, violence, and mild sexual content may be present.
It is intended for all audiences ages 16+.
Operating from Eos Station (DS108), a recently modernized Watchtower-Class facility, the Eos Frontier Squadron is a defensive and exploratory unit within the Alpha Doradus system. The squadron’s mission is to secure Federation borders and conduct patrols in strategically important regions, particularly around Freecloud and T’Met.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Chief Helm Officer
Head Counselor
19 November 2022
USS Galileo
Grace made her way through the ship. The benefit of being the ship’s commanding officer’s daughter was that there were no questions. Everyone looked at her, but it was like they couldn’t be bothered. Grace made her way into the ship’s main lounge; scanning the crowd, [...]
8 November 2022
USS Galileo
Vasik Mining Operations To call the Malon Collector ruthless would have been an understatement. Since arriving on the planet, Vasik had become a changed man. What started as a simple salvage operation had morphed into much more. They had only been on the planet for a few years and had already [...]
3 November 2022
USS Galileo
“You want me to do what?” Samuel looked at the Commanding Officer with a mix of amusement and horror. In his mind, all the ways this could go wrong were running over and over in his head. They were in the middle of a difficult situation, and Starfleet picked now to send their Captain on a crazy [...]
3 November 2022
USS Galileo
Parker leaned against the lift’s wall as it sped off to its designation. It had been a long day; preparing the telepathic crew for what was to come wasn’t easy. A small part of her felt it would have been better had all of them been dropped off at the nearest station, but she wasn’t the [...]