
Profile Overview

Aelin Maori

Human Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Maori


Deputy Commander, Task Force 47
Bravo Fleet Command



March 3, 2360



Aelin has spent her entire career serving Starfleet as a renowned tactical officer. She has spent time serving on a few different ships before receiving her recent promotion in 2402 to Task Force 47 Executive Officer serving under Bravo Fleet Command.


Height: 5’10”

Weight: 155 Pounds

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Green


Aelin takes her work very seriously so she is very stern and serious while working. She is a bit more lighthearted and more fun to be around when off the clock. Those closest to her know her to be an avid reader who can talk for hours about the books she’s reading and thinks you should read. You will rarely see her without a cup of coffee in her hand even while on duty. She spends a lot of her time physically training and working out so she is often seen entering the holodeck for rigorous training exercises.


Early Life (2360-2380)

Aelin grew up with a rather large family who all either aspired to join Starfleet or had served under Starfleet in the past. Her father was her best friend and her mentor. He taught her everything that she knows. He martial combat abilities that she prides herself on came from her father. Her father, Liam Maori passed away shortly before she enrolled at Starfleet Academy but he left a lasting impact on Aelin’s life.

Starfleet Academy (2380-2384)

With an aptitude for physical education and being unafraid,  Aelin found her stride as a Cadet and flourished at the Academy – opting to pursue a career as a Starfleet Tactical Officer and graduating with a Commission as an Ensign in 2384.

Starfleet Career

Aelin served aboard the USS Jacksonville as a Junior Tactical Officer from 2384-2388. During that time, Aelin learned under her Senior Officer, Commander Garrick. She was a fast learner and shined aboard the vessel as one of the best Tactical Officers.

From 2388 to 2394, Aelin served as a Senior Tactical Officer. In 2388, she received a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and as well as Senior Tactical Officer aboard the USS Jacksonville. In 2391, Aelin received transfer orders to the USS Montgomery to serve as Senior Tactical Officer.

Aelin received a promotion to Lieutenant in 2394 and was promoted to the Chief Tactical Officer aboard the USS Montgomery. She served in this position for 2 years before being reassigned to the USS Birmingham as Chief Tactical Officer in 2396.

In 2399, the current commanding officer of the USS Birmingham died unexpectedly and Aelin was appointed as the Commanding Officer.

After receiving a promotion to Lieutenant Commander in 2402, Aelin has recently been assigned to Bravo Fleet Command as the Task Force 47 Executive Officer.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2402 - Present Task Force 47 Executive Officer Bravo Fleet Command
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2402 Commanding Officer USS Birmingham
Lieutenant Commander
2396 - 2399 Chief Tactical Officer USS Birmingham
2394 - 2396 Chief Tactical Officer USS Montgomery
2391 - 2394 Senior Tactical Officer USS Montgomery
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2388 - 2391 Senior Tactical Officer USS Jacksonville
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2384 - 2388 Junior Tactical Officer USS Jacksonville
2380 - 2384 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade