Having been exposed to a diverse array of cultures, Talik is more worldly than many Vulcans. His work in security has made him comfortable in most any social environment, though he much prefers planetary climates close to the dry deserts of Minora, the Vulcan colony world on which he was born and raised. He is tempered in Vulcan logic and emotional discipline, a characteristic that has helped as a security professional and investigator.
Talik has a rounded, expressionless face that friends and colleagues credit with his success as a poker player. Despite being a full Vulcan, his demeanor is approachable, perhaps owing to his skill as an investigat0r. For interrogations, when teamed with another officer, he adopts the role of “good” cop, or at least “neutral” cop. He is of average height, and medium build.
For a Vulcan, Talik is personable, just enough to be amiable with his fellow officers, who have included him in their regular poker game gatherings. With most other officers, including superiors, he is perfunctory. Overall, though, he is true to Vulcan emotional discipline, which his fellow security team members count on in tough spots.
Talik was born on a Vulcan colony world Minora to two career diplomats. In his early education he demonstrated an aptitude for problem solving. He consumed the tales of 19th century Earth’s legendary consulting detective Sherlock Holmes. The human creation of Arthur Conan Doyle was, ironically, a model of Vulcan logic for the young Talik.
Later in his education, Talik challenged himself with hypothetical accounting discrepancies used by the Bank of Bolarus to train its financial officers. He balanced his mental exercise with physical conditioning through practice of the Vulcan martial art Sha’mura.
Following his formal schooling on Minora, Talik trained as security specialist at Vulcan High Command on Vulcan. His talent in investigation and interrogation earned him a position at High Command headquarters assisting the senior officers with tracing suspected smuggling operations that had passed through Vulcan territories. After repeatedly proving his worth, outsmarting the smugglers, he was assigned to the security detail of Vulcan’s head of state, the First Minister. Mainly he continued in threat analysis, but he also accompanied the detail into the field, especially when the First Minister traveled off planet.
It was during a mission to Earth that Talik gained the notice of Starfleet. He had been put on detached duty with the Federation President’s Starfleet security detail to consult on investigation techniques. While working with the detail, he happened upon a security breach that involved a member of the detail leaking information about the President’s travel schedule to an unknown recipient in the Romulan Free State’s iteration of the Tal Shiar. He rooted out the security officer, a Romulan posing as a Vulcan, and after an intense firefight outside the Palais de la Concorde, the spy was subdued and taken into custody.
After that incident, Starfleet approached Talik with the offer of a commission as a lieutenant after a six-month Starfleet indoctrination training program, and placement in an investigation department at a major posting — the Fourth Fleet’s Starbase Bravo.