Part of USS Eagle: Wedding Bells

More is Revealed

July 2401
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USS Eagle, Mess Hall

“From what everyone is saying, it’s going to be an exciting event.  I’m disappointed I don’t get to go to the dinner tomorrow,” said Ensign Renee Parker, the new nurse.

“That’s because you’re a junior officer with no seniority,” said Iziraa.  “The captain probably doesn’t know who you are yet.”

Lori sighed and rolled her eyes at the blunt comment by the Andorian.

“What?” said Iziraa, her antennae moving in slow circles.

“Nothing,” said Lori.  She turned her attention to Renee.  “The wedding is the big event you want to attend.  I’m sure Captain Kirby will let more people go.”

“I hope so.  A small-town girl going to a royal wedding that helps an entire world join the Federation?  My parents will be thrilled to hear all about it.”  Renee beamed a smile.  “I can hardly wait!”


There was a knock on the door and Brel Tonis, King Limmar’s top aide, stepped inside the office.  “We found something, Your Majesty.”  Moving to the desk, he handed the king a data pad.

“What am I looking at,” said Limmar.

“The nineteen people on that list all had access to the warehouse that holds Prince Jahk’s glider.  We were able to clear eighteen of them.”

“And the nineteenth?” said Limmar.

“Xirax Tel, a hover car mechanic,” said Tonis.  “He reported for his shift this morning, but left early claiming to be ill.  He wasn’t home and his family hasn’t seen him since he went to work.  Local police in Vilton found his car on a back road, but it was burned.  We couldn’t get prints or DNA.”

“Were there remains of a body?”

“No.  As of now, he’s missing and our prime suspect.”

“Do you know why he may have sabotaged the glider?”

“Not yet.  Tel doesn’t have a criminal record and other than a bank lone for his house, he’s not in debt.  He’s not known to associate with gangs or anything like that.  By all appearances, he’s a normal and average citizen.  We’re still investigating.”

“Keep me updated,” said Limmar.

USS Eagle, Mess Hall

“So what do you think about all this, Iz?” said Lori.

“It’s just a wedding,” said Iziraa.  Her antennae stopped moving.

Lori studied her friend.

“Now what?” said Iziraa.  “Do you think I’m feeling something because I backed out of my wedding?”

“I just want to make sure you’re all right,” said Lori.

“I’m fine.  Not everyone has a meltdown when life doesn’t go the way they planned.”  Iziraa’s antennae started moving again.

Sensing the growing tension, Renee changed the subject.  “I’ve been studying Lenali physiology.  They seem like they’re a hearty race.  Their tails fascinate me.”

“You, too?” said Iziraa, her mood instantly changing.  “I’d love to see them in combat!”

“Thinking about it, I suppose it would be something to see,” said Renee.

Lori never would have expected her new nurse to be interested in that.  “I need to get back to sickbay.  I’ll see you later.”  As she walked away, Iziraa and Renee were chattering away, enjoying talking about their future new allies.