Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium

First Impressions

Office, Deputy Director of Promenade Security
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Ashton stood in his new office and looked around. He had recently been promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to Starbase Bravo as the Deputy Director of Promenade Security. He was now waiting on a couple of officers to arrive for a meeting. First, he wanted to introduce himself and then he wanted to get their take on the current security staff and SOPs. One of them was a Patrol Shift Leader and the other was an Investigations Section Leader. He figured if anyone knew what was going on around the base, it would be them. He took a seat behind his desk and retrieved their personnel files. He wanted to give them another read while he waited.

Sonja had prepared to go straight to her office to work on some clearance paperwork for some gust coming during her shift, but she was awoken by a chirp from her PADD. She groggily looked to see a prompt to report to the new Deputy Director. She sprang out of bed and quickly got ready making sure she was prepared before making her way to the office. Usually she would be paying more attention to the Promenade, but she had only one thing on her mind. She made it to the Deputy’s office and activated the chime.

Irric’s footsteps echoed through the metallic corridors as he left his office, bound for the far end of the main security facility on Sector I-Navy. The message summoning him had emanated from the recently appointed Deputy Director of Security, another in a seemingly endless cycle of leadership changes that matched the rapid turnover rate of the station’s CO2 scrubbers.

While navigating the hallways, Ensign Besh once again captured his attention. The chaotic scene of the Promenade outside mirrored Ensign Besh’s disheveled appearance as she leaned against a wall, absorbed in her PADD. Irric couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disapproval, his thoughts forming silently, ‘Unbefitting of a Starfleet officer – I wonder what they teach at the academy these days.’

Passing by her, Irric emitted a gruff sound, his voice breaking the quiet hum of the hallway. 

“Besh, stay sharp and fix that uniform!” His expression carried a subtle grin as he continued on his way, relishing the anticipation of her reaction.

True to his expectations, Besh leaped up like a spooked rabbit, her voice hurriedly assuring, “Yes, Commander Nuni, excuse me. It won’t happen again.”

Turning the corner to reach the office of his new Commanding Officer, Irric spotted another officer waiting by the door. It was Lieutenant Thompson, a familiar face he hadn’t officially met despite her tenure. 

Closing the distance, Irric offered a friendly nod, breaking the silence with a casual greeting, “Lieutenant Thompson.”

Stark was so entranced in the personnel records that he actually jumped a bit when the chime announced that his guests had arrived. He stood and straightened his uniform. Gotta lead by example, he thought. After clearing his throat, he finally called out for them to enter. “Come.”

He quickly gave the two officers a once over as they entered his office. His gazed feel upon Commander Nuni first and once again, Stark found himself wondering why the Bajoran himself hadn’t gotten the Deputy Director position. His record was prestige. He definitely had the in service time. Maybe that would be a conversation for later.

Next, he cast a glance at the young, Lieutenant that held a Patrol Shift leader spot. She actually looked younger than her true age in Ashton’s opinion. But again, her excellent record spoke of her experience. Personally, he was glad to have two such officers on his staff. Hopefully, they could all work well together.

“Commander. Lieutenant. Thank you both for coming on such short notice. My name’s Ashton Stark and I wanted us to get together and get to know one another and go over the daily ins and outs of the base. Get your thoughts and opinions on what’s working for us and what isn’t. See if we need to make any changes. Please. Have a seat.” he said with a gesture. “So. Who wants to go first?”

Irric’s gaze fixed on the young Deputy standing in front of him, registering the urgency in the air. Despite the need for a quick catch-up, Irric felt the timing wasn’t right. His face betrayed no attempt to mask his emotions as he addressed the Commander with blunt honesty. ”Commander, while it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I’m sure you’ve caught wind of the turmoil brewing outside on the Promenade,” Irric remarked, his voice carrying a hint of frustration. 

A heavy sigh punctuated his next words, as he dove into a vivid critique, “So, if you’re curious about my take on what’s not working, it’s the throngs of people clustered around delicate paintings and sculptures in the most vulnerable section of the station, sir.”

Sonja rose an eyebrow. She had been working on the Promenade and had no idea what turmoil the Commander was referring too. She spoke up “Excuse me, Commander what turmoil are your speaking of? While the people that are now through the Promenade is more than we have seen I haven’t seen any turmoil. There was a statue that’s now in the Promenade but nothing that caused turmoil. So of there’s something I don’t know if appreciate learning what it is especially given my time on the Promenade.”

“Lieutenant, It’s been just over a year since you arrived, hasn’t it?”  

Irric halted briefly before adding, “During incidents like this, the influx of visitors concentrates in a particular section of the station – the bustling marketplace with its neon-lit stalls and vibrant displays. With everyone’s attention on the crowd, other areas, like the dimly lit cargo bays and quieter corridors, become susceptible to malicious activities. Pickpockets and shady dealings thrive in the shadows, taking advantage of the diverted focus. Meanwhile, in general, crowds are akin to a powder keg waiting for a spark, their collective energy and unpredictability making the entire station a delicate balance of order and potential chaos.”

Sonja nodded “I understand that, but I believe it could have been worded differently. The way I took it was that there was an issue that was ongoing that needed taken care of. In preparation for this event my staff were trained to prepare for this event, while we still have security in the less occupied areas during this time. In fact my shift works in rotations to make sure that both areas are secured and we keep the areas safe from those dealings. I may have only been here for a year, but I know my job, Sir.” she concluded feeling like the Commander had hinted she didn’t know her job.

“Oh, apart from Ensign Besh, I have complete confidence in you and the capabilities of our security crew, Lieutenant.” A glint of annoyance flashed in his eyes as he added, “It’s the civilians and the rag-tag crew of that White Bomber Squadron that give me cause for concern.”

The meeting had went about how she had expected, but she had a question for Irric who was now standing beside of her as they were heading down the corridor. “So excuse me if this is to bold, but why are you not the Deputy Director? Seems like you know the job.” 

Irric grinned as he glanced over at the young Lieutenant beside him and remarked “I find it more fulfilling to be out in the field, getting my hands dirty and genuinely making a difference in people’s lives, rather than being a mere pawn in political games,”

He then turned to Sonja and added, “And what about you? Could I be taking orders from you one day?”

Sonja shrugged “The future holds many secrets. I love what I do and sometimes managing people can make for an interesting day. I guess we will see what happens.”