Part of Starbase Bravo: The Wreck of Us and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Welcome to the Frontlines

Starbase Bravo
June 2401
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It had been a long day already and had no sign of abating. As he approached the Starbase in his shuttle, Ensign Samuels packed his things into his satchel and waited for the order to disembark. Once it came, he unbuckled his restraints and headed gleefully down into the shuttlebay.

Finally, he would be here, onboard Starbase Bravo. He’d just received his first assignment from the Academy. As a Counsellor, he was to report to Starbase Bravo for a briefing, He had no idea what his role would be going forward, but he was excited to finally put his training into practice. He’d been working hard at the academy, his grades were good, now was the time to prove it.

Heading from the shuttlebay, he walked through the swooshing doors into the main promenade of the station, looking around for signs, finally finding the turbolift to the guest quarters. He was told he’d be staying in room 3-13 for the meantime until the mission briefings. He saw it kind of like a hotel stay rather than home, so he decided not to bring much or to unpack anything. 

Once reaching his room and verifying his identity, he entered, placing his simple satchel on the chair and layign down on the small but comfortable bed, letting out a contented sigh. It was time for his journey to begin and he was looking forward to every single moment of what laid ahead. Sure, he was just a green engisn, but everyone started this way right? Who knew where he would end up…