Part of USS Triumph: No Designation and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

14 – No Designation

Freecloud / Triumph
June 2401
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The past couple of days Tilana had chosen to spend more time with Baela to get to know her and gain her trust even more. This tactic had worked in her favor as she had been able to study the area more, finding out things that would aid them when the time came. The time was fast approaching with only a couple of hours left until the auction started. Tilana was standing near the window of the hotel, she had the other three join them. Thoughts ran through her mind as she stood there looking out of the window.

Tilana stood at the window for a few more minutes before turning around to look at the others who remained silent. They all knew what was about to go down and she could tell they were anxious. She would be lying if she didn’t feel that same anxiety as there was a lot at stake. Tilana hoped that the Triumph would arrive at the right moment without being detected as a Starfleet ship.

“Alright,” Tilana began catching their attention and eyes were all on her. She used a PADD she had and brought up a map of the area where they would be. The holographic image hovered above the PADD, the image showed the two main areas. “The auction will take place in this room,” Tilana began as she pointed to the larger of the two rooms. “Llaxia, Zhayva, and Enja you three will be sitting in the chairs next to the door.” She replied.

“Understood,” Llaxia replied as the other two nodded in understanding.

“I have managed to get VIP spots for myself, Ritru, and Torath which will be located near the front. This will hopefully work in our favor as Baela will be close by and I will be able to stop her if she tries anything.” Tilana said as she noticed the others nodded as if they understood.

“The next room is where the xBs are being held,” she said with a pause. “So far Baela has kept to her word and has not had them killed,” Tilana added while she looked at the others who seemed to feel a bit relieved though they still were tense as that could change in an instant.

“Chon’al,” she said.

Go ahead,” Chon’al replied.

“I need you and the security team from Aldore to beam down to that area to secure it. From what I can gather there are only a few guards in that area,” she replied.

Aye sir,” Chon’al responded.

“Also there is a medium-sized room off the corner of the room, that is where they are storing the Borg technology. I need you to secure that as well,” she said, directing that towards Chon’al.

Understood,” Chon’al added.

“Oh and notify me the moment the Triumph arrives and I’ll send the signal,” Tilana replied.

“What will that signal be?” Zhayva spoke up looking at Tilana.

“I will have my combadge in my pocket. I will tap it twice,” she said.

Aye sir,” Chon’al responded.

“Any questions about the plan?” Tilana asked as she looked at everyone and no one seemed to respond. This told her they understood what was going to happen and how, now they just hoped that it would go the way they had planned. She closed the holographic image and put the PADD away as she looked out the window again for a moment.

“Let’s get this started,” Tilana said after a few moments of silence as the auction was due to begin shortly. They each got up from where they were sitting, making sure they had everything they needed before they headed out of the hotel. The group headed down the street towards Starlight Bar, they had all kept quiet while they journeyed towards their destination.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at Starlight Bar. They entered and headed for where Kodrak was standing letting buyers in. She put on a big smile. “Hello again Kodrak,” Tilana spoke up as she could see the annoyance in his eyes, he didn’t respond but let them go in. Upon entering they looked around and saw quite a few buyers there as they moved through them each going to where they were instructed and taking their seats.

Baela was sitting at the head of the table, shortly joined by Kodrak once everyone had arrived. The chatter amongst everyone continued for a little while longer before Kodrak stood up clearing his throat to attempt to get their attention. “Can everyone quiet down!” Kodrak almost yelled when his first attempt didn’t work. This caused everyone to stop what they were doing looking towards him.

“We are ready to begin,” Baela then spoke up as she pressed a button to begin to bring up the holographic image of the first piece of technology. She began to explain the tech that was showing and started the bid out at the minimum amount in hopes that it would go up. Everyone started to bid trying to outdo each one, Tilana waited for the right moment before she placed in her bid. A few people had dropped out the higher it got until it was just her and one other person.

Just then someone walked up to Kodrak whispering something in his ear before he stood up to stop the auction. “We seem to have some impostors here in our midst,” Kodrak said, looking out into the crowd. This caused the others in the crowd to gasp and look around amongst themselves to see if they could figure out who they could be.

Tilana began to feel nervous as they had been found out but just then Chon’al spoke up. “Triumph has arrived.” She had her hand in her pockets as she let out a soft sigh of relief and tapped her commbadge twice signaling them. A few seconds later there were shimmers of the transporters beaming down the security officers including Commander Trol and a couple of the senior staff.

A few seconds later Tilana and the others stood up pulling out their phasers, “you are correct Kodrak,” Tilana said with a smile as Baela got up to try to escape she looked at her pointing her phaser at Baela. She let off a warning shot hitting the wall next to her, “I would stay right where you are,” Tilana said, which caused Baela to stop in her tracks.

Starfleet Officers had the entire area covered though some tried to open fire on them but were stunned while others surrendered. “Who are you?” Kodrak replied as he stood there phasers pointed at both of them.

“I am Captain Tilana, Commanding Officer of the USS Triumph,” Tilana replied. “You are all under arrest,” she added as she could see that Kodrak was angry.

“How could you?” Baela asked.

“I could ask the same thing to you Baela,” Tilana replied looking at her.

Chon’al spoke up from the commbadge. “The area has been secured. We are working on freeing the captured xBs and transporting them to Triumph’s medical bay.” Chon’al said.

“What about the Borg technology?” Tilana asked.

That will be transported once we finish making sure the xBs are safe aboard the Triumph,” Chon’al replied.

“Understood,” Tilana replied before ending the communication channel. The away team from the Triumph began to secure the prisoners for transport to the Triumph’s brig. 

She turned her attention to Baela. “You will answer for the murders of the xBs you had a part in whether it was done by your hand or not, along with other charges,” Tilana replied then the two were beamed aboard the Triumph.

It took a while before everyone was beamed up to the Triumph including all the Borg tech. After they were satisfied that they got everything and successfully shut them down she turned to Torath. “Thank you and your crew for your assistance with this mission, we owe you one,” Tilana replied with a smile.

“We are even,” Torath replied with a smile. “Though I am glad we were able to assist you with taking down this operation. We all know that any Borg technology will be bad in the wrong hands.” He said looking at Tilana.

“Indeed,” Tilana replied as everyone else beamed back to their prospective ships once they had gotten everything and everyone they had to. “Well, I hope you have a safe trip back to Rhijun,” Tilana added as Torath smiled and nodded before he beamed back to his ship which she followed shortly afterward.

Stepping out onto the bridge she took her seat after Trol stood up moving over to her chair. “Prisoners and the technology have been secured, the rescued xBs are currently in sickbay getting attended to,” Trol reported.

Tilana nodded as she sat back in her chair and closed her eyes for a few moments. She was glad that was over and went better than she could have expected. Things could have turned out worse than it had been. “You alright sir?” Trol asked.

“Yes, just relieved that is all,” Tilana replied with her eyes still closed as she sat there.

“That could have gone worse,” Trol replied.

“Indeed,” Tilana added. Opening her eyes she looked at Raro, “set a course for Avalon Fleet Yards maximum warp.” Tilana ordered.

“Course and speed laid in, sir,” Raro replied, looking at her.

“Engage,” Tilana replied as the ship moved away from Freecloud before they jumped to warp. Standing up from her chair she looked at Trol. “You have the bridge. I have to make some calls and file some reports,” she said before she made her way towards her ready room. Upon arrival, she walked to the replicator where she ordered herself a nice hot coffee before she began to make those calls. She felt relief that things had ended and they could go on knowing that they had shut the auction down removing all that Borg technology from getting into the wrong hands.


  • So many moving pieces, and so many things that could have gone wrong, but in the end, Tilana and the rest of them pulled it off! The xBs, those she managed to convince Baela, will now have an opportunity at life, and the parts stripped from others who were not so lucky are at least safely in the hands of Starfleet. All in a good month’s work. I am still curious what sort of long-term impact all of this will have on Tilana, from the time with the Romulans to going undercover. And as for the rest of the team, how did they take it all too? Both what they saw of Tilana, and what they experienced while undercover in Stardust City? Lot of canvas you’ve left for future character development!

    December 10, 2023