Part of USS Tokyo: M2: Infection and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

25) Fate is cruel

USS Tokyo - Ready Room
June 2401
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The lights were dimmed, the ready room was a mess, PADDs were lying around, and a jacket was on the ground. The last few hours were a living hell as I tried to process what had just happened to the crew of the Tokyo. Sank into the chair, Ko stared forward, trying to get a grip on the situation that had happened. This was the first time she actually had to agree to his assumption of Towalr. This mission was madness to begin with. 

Captain, we are receiving a secured hail from Starbase 86” Tamaz's voice sounded broken and emotional.

“Put it through” Ko ordered as she pushed her up in the chair, but little energy was still left in her. 

Ryoko appeared on the screen in front of Ko as she sighed at the view she was looking at. “Captain Yoon-Jung, your facial expression speaks volumes about how your mission went. But, report,” she stated, waiting for Ko's report to come to her. 

“Well…” Taking some time to gather her thoughts, “The mission was a failure to cut to the most important part. The last data we received is that the pathogen did have some effect on the current Borg. But they had a safety lock in place to deal with it” Ko finally sat up in her chair and leaned on the table. “They locked the area, ejected the infected part, and destroyed it in space.” 

“Brutal but effective,” Ryoko concluded with a shrug.

“We lost a total of seven people in both missions. Including Commander Towalr, the First Officer of this ship, Lieutenant Commander Deem, Chief of Security, and Lieutenant Vahdat, our Chief Science Officer.” Ko felt that she had difficulty pronouncing the confirmed death, even though she had no real idea if the away team members had died. But becoming Borg was the same fate in many ways. 

It surprised Ryoko to hear the names, especially the one from Towalr. She nodded slowly. “I am sorry for your loss Captain, but in a way, you have given us valuable information on the Borg, and we shall honor their sacrifices by doing so. Starfleet Intelligence will be grateful for it. Please let me know when the funeral is for the fallen officers, and I shall attend it to give them a proper farewell” There was not much she could do or offer at this moment of grieving. 

Ko nods slightly to that. “I thank you for your kindness. The crew needs time to process this” She thought for a second and took a deep breath, nodding to herself. “However, I feel that I need to take responsibility for what has happened to this crew and the command choices that were made in the progression of this mission. I therefore put forward my resignation of command of this vessel” 

No facial response came from Ryoko immediately, but she eventually did narrow her eyes a bit. “I got to decline that kind gesture, Captain. Making the hard calls comes with the job as a Captain. I have read the last report that you wanted to be on this team but were held back by your Chief Medical Officer because of your shoulder and near-death experience with the first away team mission.” Ryoko shrugs, “If I had to quit every signal time I made a bad call, I would be retired to some local colony by now. The scars we have on our uniform and the blood we carry on our pips are what form you as a Captain. Being a Captain is not always about being the hero, being the savior of some colony, or finding something new and exciting. We also have to face the fact that we can lose. It makes us more human”

Feeling defeated by being taken away, the ability to resign. She looked away for a moment. “How am I to face my crew then Captain" Ko looked with teary eyes back at her. “Knowing that I send their friends and family on this death mission?” 

It was a valid question to be asked. Her experience over the years with dealing with these situations has put a weight on her. “It doesn't become easier. You can't lock it away or evade it. You have to embrace it, accept it, and try….to move forward” Ryoko honestly spoke out of her own pain. “Let the crew heal, be there for them, and don't ignore them in the time they need you the most” 

Giving a soft nod to that answer, Ko let the tears roll over her cheek. “I will do my best, ma'am”

“I will assign the Tokyo to the Mariner Squad. Captain Kobahl will be your Squad Commander. You will stay in Delta Quadrant for now. She will meet you at Markonian Outpost. Stay strong, Captain, you can do this,” Ryoko said, nodding in her direction. “Good luck” The communication went back to the normal screen.

Ko looked outside her window “Fate….is cruel” She muttered to herself. Ko knew this healing process would take some time until the ship could function normally again. She had to do a lot of damage control, and maybe the exit path was not for the strongest but for the weak-minded. Captain Takato was right; she had to face her problems, as every Captain had to endure them themselves at a certain moment. “But not today…” 


  • What an end! What an adventure that got us here. I can only imagine what is next for this crew and the command team. It is heartbreaking to feel as a reader, but important as a writer to know that not everything ends up ending happily and that characters can build on themselves from a loss or a mission failure. I felt as I read this mission and here especially we feel the despondance in this moment.

    December 6, 2023